Блог пользователя respect_me

Автор respect_me, история, 6 месяцев назад, По-английски

I have a huge break on codeforces for last few month(s). I want to back to codeforces.i am now ~800 rated after 13 contest :). I do cf as a preparation for IOI. can you please help me with answer of some questions?

1 When should i start OI psolving. I had known that OI problems are usually very hard.So is there should a boundary of rating in cf to start? [i am predicting there should be]

2 For that rating what should i do?

3 is there any OI problem list sorted with difficulty?

4 is it possible to crack in 1 year & get a Bronze(?) medal

Or any advice for me to prepare me for IOI (if you want)

pls forgive me for my bad english

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6 месяцев назад, # |
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Okay, (And your english is not bad)

1. Start OI Problem Solving: Aim for a Codeforces rating around 1300-1600 before diving into OI problems.

2. At ~800 Rating: Focus on improving basic algorithms and problem-solving skills. Practice regularly on Codeforces.

3. OI Problem Lists: Check resources like OI-Related Online Judges, USACO Training Pages, and Codeforces Problemset.

4. Achieving a Bronze Medal in 1 Year: It’s possible with dedicated practice, structured study, and regular contest participation.

Additional Advice: Join competitive programming communities and seek mentorship if possible.