Kadiv's blog

By Kadiv, history, 5 weeks ago, In English

So I wanted to share my story a little, I recently had to leave college and come back home after leaving an animation degree because of some health issues in my family so I had to look for my family. Then I started learning programming and was really enjoying solving problems.

I started with CS50P and a very unfortunate incident happened in my life. I don't have the strength to share it here but my life changed completely because of that, still I got back up and started my coding journey again.

Learnt touch typing and got to an average speed of around 90 WPM. I got to know about competitive programming and codeforces and I tried solving some problems here, after not knowing how to handle input, output and failing a bunch of times I finally got my code running and got the pleasant feeling of ACCEPTED written in green. I felt a huge sense of accomplishment even though it was just a beginner problem. Then

I started solving some problems here also gave a contest on codechef got a rating there and gave a contest here also, could only solve one problem and that too after two attempts lol I got nervous.

Also read that many competitive programmers use c++ so learnt the basics still have to learn stl but so far it's pretty good.

Let's see how my competitive programming journey goes.

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