Блог пользователя adamant

Автор adamant, 30 часов назад, По-английски

Hi everyone!

Supported by

The 5th Osijek Competitive Programming Camp has just concluded, and we couldn't be happier about the way it is shaping :)

This edition had a record amount of people participating so far:

  • 23 teams have joined the camp at the main site in Osijek;
  • 23 teams have joined the camp at the mirror site in Singapore organized by errorgorn at NUS;
  • 47 teams have joined the camp remotely;

Making up a total of 93 active teams, most of which composed of 3 people. We would like to congratulate top-3 teams by overall rating:

Osijek Site (Top-3 Teams)
Rank Team Name Institution Members
1 Zagreb Klokani Zagreb ppavic, dorijanlendvaj, ToniB
2 Segfault go BRRRR TU Delft jeroenodb, BLOBVISGOD, TheRedstar
3 Energy is not over BigBag, Mustang98, Barichek
Remote Site (Top-3 Teams)
Rank Team Name Institution Members
1 std_abs National Taiwan U abc864197532, syl123456, BurnedChicken
2 Jagiellonian JU Giselus, Rewenix, tkacper
3 Kindergarten Timelimit KIT Anonymous_Noob, LuCpp, dranjohn
Singapore Site (Top-3 Teams)
Rank Team Name Institution Members
1 Jägermeister National University of Singapore Watanabe Yuto, Yanushevskyi Roman, Nishiwaki Hibiki
2 Penguin Feeders National University of Singapore Teow Hua Jun, Ng Yu Peng, Lim An Jun
3 Spiral National University of Singapore Jeffrey Lee Chun Hean, Nicholas Patrick, Huang Xing Chen

Aa very detailed combined scoreboard by BigBag for the camp is available here. For the Singapore site, the total scoreboard is currently available at eolymp, and will soon be integrated in the rated scoreboard as well.

Osijek site

As usual, the main site of the camp was located in Osijek, Croatia. Since there was a significant increase in the number of participants, they had to be distributed in 4 separate rooms, and one bigger room was used for contest analysis sessions (first 4 of which were also done by errorgorn before he went to organize the camp in Singapore, very respectable!):

First day of the camp

For the day off activities, participants spent the first day off having a combined session of escape room and laser tag at Game Over:

Laser tag & Escape room

As for the second day off, we wanted to try out something slightly different than usual, and organized 3 rounds of competitive variant of What? Where? When?, an intellectual mass game loosely based on the format of a namesake game show popular in post-soviet countries. Each round consisted of 12 questions that tested participant's wits, erudition and intuition. Congratulations to the winners:

  • (14/36) Lambda: Thomas Meeks, Benjamin Prins, Glenn Martin
  • (11/36) potwierdzam: Olaf Surgut, Jeroen Op de Beek, Brian Barak, Jozef Číž
  • (11/36) spicy beef: Olle Lapidus, Marijn Adriaanse, Voicu Mihai-Valeriu, Neacsu Matei

And, of course, some photos:

What? Where? When? game

Finally, at the end of the camp we had an informal closing dinner at Hotel Osijek for all onsite participants:

Closing dinner

And, as is a tradition, we awarded some symbolic prizes to the team with highest rating, and the team with most upsolves:

Camp winners

Overall, we have quite a lot of photos this time around, which you can see in the original resolution in the Google folder.

Singapore site

This time around, as an experiment, we tried to run a mirror site in Singapore in parallel to the main site in Osijek. We hoped to attract more people to OCPC, and also provide them an opportunity to gather together for an experience that is close to training camps here.

It came with some challenges, e.g. it seemed to make more sense to collect participation fees in SGD, rather than in EUR, as it is also the currency used for onsite expenses, but at the same time it seemed to have proven difficult for many teams to properly pay participation fees. Another prominent challenge is, of course, that this time around the venue in Singapore was only available for a very limited period, allowing us to include only 4 contests out of full 7 contest set. There were also certain difficulties related to the fact that the mirror was at the same venue and at a time very close to APAC ICPC.

Nevertheless, I think and hope that it was a successful experience, and we're interested in organizing more mirror sites, especially in under-represented regions, so if anyone knows potentially interested hosts and can connect us with them, please write me in DM!

Here are some photographs that circulated around in the mirror site Discord channel to help you get a better feel of it:

Singapore mirror

More photos are available in the same Google folder that I have mentioned earlier.

Call for problemsetters

Here comes the part where I beg for problems :)

At OCPC, we strive to be a community-led effort. We value your feedback and we really want to encourage community involvement in the making of the camp. In particular, it means that we strive to provide original problem sets for as much contests as possible, rather than re-using existing ones. We know that problemsetting is a difficult work, and we want to compensate problem authors accordingly.

As a reference, for this camp we paid 2500€ per complete ICPC-style problemset, and we are committed to prioritize problemsetter compensation among our expenses, as long as our funds allow it. Additionally, we encourage our participants to set contests (and authors to participate in the camp), so on top of monetary compensation, we also completely waive the participation fee for one team of contest author's choosing (e.g. their own if they are participating).

If you are interested in setting problems for OCPC, please reach out to me in DM. We are usually looking for full ICPC-style problemsets, and they would have a priority, but also if a lot of people would want to offer individual problems, we can try to organize another "Potluck" contest next time.

Well... I think that around sums it up, I hope you enjoyed reading, and also hope to see you participate in one of next OCPC events :)

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