Блог пользователя royappa

Автор royappa, история, 8 лет назад, По-английски

Hi, I believe on the USACO training site there was a problem that was to solve 8 queens but in a very, very tight time limit. So you had to keep optimizing first with simple stuff but then with symmetries and so on.

I never was able to get that under the time limit, it was many years ago, and I left the USACO site.

Now I thought of that problem again and was interested in trying it. I re-logged in to train.usaco.org after many years and my "DONE" and viewed problems are showing but I cannot find this one. I'm 90% sure it was at USACO and nowhere else.

Does anybody know the problem statement I'm talking about? Do you know if it's been removed from USACO? Thanks!

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I'm not sure about it being on USACO, but what you're describing sounds like this UVa problem.

It's basically n-queens but n ≤ 15, so you had to exploit many strategies to really squeeze the runtime.