warmingcium's blog

By warmingcium, history, 7 weeks ago, In English

Hello everyone,

As you may have already heard, jiangly has achieved the incredible milestone of reaching 4000 rating points! This is only the second time in the history of competitive programming that this has been accomplished.

During Codeforces Round #999, the competition was fierce:

At 02:33, Benq solved problem H1, scoring 13221 and overtaking jiangly, who had 12829 at the time. Just ten minutes later, at 02:43, gamegame solved H1 as well, scoring 13400 and surpassing Benq (13221). A minute later, at 02:44, tourist also solved H1, scoring 13510 and taking the lead from gamegame (13400). At this point, we were all holding our breath for jiangly, wondering, "Could a miracle happen?"

At 02:49, jiangly submitted his solution to H1, but unfortunately received "Wrong Answer on test case 3." Our hopes flickered, then dimmed.

Just when we thought jiangly might miss this historic opportunity, the most thrilling submission occurred:

At 02:56, jiangly solved problem H1, scoring a remarkable 13841 and reclaiming the lead from tourist (13510)!

As carrot predicted, this victory propelled jiangly's rating to 4038, the highest rating ever achieved!

Let's celebrate this momentous occasion as jiangly, arguably the best programmer of the current era, surpasses even the legends of the past!

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By warmingcium, history, 6 months ago, In English

warmingcium and yuangengqi are happy to invite you to participate in CPRC2024, which is a ranking contest held for our undergraduates. City University of HongKong (Dongguan) is a brand new university, so our problems are quite easy! If you are new birds for programming who wants to learn something from it, or a master who wants to kill all the problems, why don't register for our online sync contest right here !?

The contest take place on Sept 28th, from 13:00 p.m. to 17:00 p.m. (utc+8). You are given 8 problems and 4 hours to solve them. All the statement are composed by English, so that coders all around the world could feel free to participate. After the main contest, we'll also hold Ceremony and Editorial to give a full explaination on the problems.

What's more, we'll draw 10 prizes from all participants! It's quite a good idea to register right now.

Register here->

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