Initially, you have a coin with value $$$n$$$. You can perform the following operation any number of times (possibly zero):
What is the maximum number of coins you can have after performing this operation any number of times?
The first line contains one integer $$$t$$$ ($$$1 \le t \le 10^4$$$) — the number of test cases.
Each test case consists of one line containing one integer $$$n$$$ ($$$1 \le n \le 10^{18}$$$).
For each test case, print one integer — the maximum number of coins you can have after performing the operation any number of times.
1 2 4 536870912
In the first example, you have a coin of value $$$1$$$, and you can't do anything with it. So, the answer is $$$1$$$.
In the second example, you can transform a coin of value $$$5$$$ into two coins with value $$$1$$$.
In the third example, you can transform a coin of value $$$16$$$ into two coins with value $$$4$$$. Each of the resulting coins can be transformed into two coins with value $$$1$$$.
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