Problem 99999123 - The sum
Contest status
# When Who Problem Lang Verdict Time Memory
37572340 Apr/24/2018 15:34 gwq2017 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Happy New Year! 62 ms 3300 KB
37734573 Apr/30/2018 00:50 BOBYAAA 123 - The sum Python 2 Happy New Year! 108 ms 6000 KB
41677306 Aug/17/2018 11:45 Blue_Fly 123 - The sum GNU C++11 Happy New Year! 31 ms 0 KB
45305645 Nov/05/2018 00:19 fighting_dreamer 123 - The sum GNU C++11 Happy New Year! 31 ms 0 KB
47891224 Jan/04/2019 09:43 RiseiNoKoe 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Happy New Year! 31 ms 300 KB
87246797 Jul/18/2020 19:01 Sadia_sornaly 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Happy New Year! 31 ms 3700 KB
119479519 Jun/14/2021 21:06 shamitha651 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Happy New Year! 31 ms 0 KB
143605773 Jan/22/2022 13:33 anuragrai2222003 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Happy New Year! 15 ms 0 KB
160497137 Jun/14/2022 12:50 _NosTradaMus_ 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Happy New Year! 15 ms 0 KB
176908522 Oct/18/2022 19:12 companysnamehere 123 - The sum Kotlin 1.6 Happy New Year! 186 ms 0 KB
196653893 Mar/09/2023 15:22 TeckN01_ 123 - The sum C++14 (GCC 6-32) Happy New Year! 15 ms 0 KB
40921157 Jul/29/2018 17:46 DarkD1 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Happy New Year! 31 ms 0 KB
47668578 Dec/29/2018 06:40 ASYBEK 123 - The sum GNU C++11 Happy New Year! 31 ms 100 KB
60557062 Sep/14/2019 17:26 monoamine 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Happy New Year! 31 ms 0 KB
69703869 Jan/29/2020 06:09 sjnkarang 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Happy New Year! 31 ms 0 KB
73592110 Mar/18/2020 19:58 Abdullah_Sheehan 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Happy New Year! 30 ms 0 KB
82456345 Jun/04/2020 10:02 D18 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Happy New Year! 31 ms 300 KB
94474075 Oct/02/2020 12:24 MiniJoe 123 - The sum MS C++ Happy New Year! 31 ms 0 KB
122007863 Jul/10/2021 20:29 KajalBormon 123 - The sum GNU C11 Happy New Year! 31 ms 0 KB
128185675 Sep/08/2021 11:11 shimaa-adel-moukhtar 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Happy New Year! 31 ms 0 KB
134442316 Nov/06/2021 01:45 BenZZX 123 - The sum C++20 (GCC 11-64) Happy New Year! 15 ms 1200 KB
137412068 Nov/30/2021 13:27 xcx0902 123 - The sum C++14 (GCC 6-32) Happy New Year! 15 ms 0 KB
144447023 Jan/29/2022 20:36 Fateme_sbrn 123 - The sum C++14 (GCC 6-32) Happy New Year! 15 ms 0 KB
179983224 Nov/07/2022 17:51 Jahidul_CSE 123 - The sum GNU C11 Happy New Year! 15 ms 0 KB
193145119 Feb/11/2023 08:41 pransh_8 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Happy New Year! 15 ms 0 KB
217603826 Aug/07/2023 16:00 stubbornstars 123 - The sum C++14 (GCC 6-32) Happy New Year! 31 ms 0 KB
219396379 Aug/18/2023 07:15 Vineela_Jakkula 123 - The sum Python 3 Happy New Year! 46 ms 0 KB
264241636 Jun/05/2024 13:14 Muhammad-Ahmad 123 - The sum Python 3 Happy New Year! 77 ms 0 KB
44880922 Oct/25/2018 22:05 3abkreno2018 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Happy New Year! 31 ms 300 KB
44986522 Oct/28/2018 13:43 mrp78 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Happy New Year! 30 ms 300 KB
45146849 Oct/31/2018 20:21 Ameernsrr 123 - The sum C++14 (GCC 6-32) Happy New Year! 31 ms 0 KB
45957292 Nov/19/2018 12:55 Moneyna 123 - The sum GNU C++11 Happy New Year! 31 ms 0 KB
46619358 Dec/04/2018 19:46 Woldis4 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Happy New Year! 31 ms 0 KB
47762518 Dec/30/2018 19:54 ll931110 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Happy New Year! 31 ms 200 KB
49746153 Feb/11/2019 00:46 Nasim_Bahadur 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Happy New Year! 31 ms 200 KB
57745163 Jul/25/2019 15:46 _soul_ 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Happy New Year! 31 ms 0 KB
115896916 May/10/2021 23:49 helen_killer 123 - The sum GNU C++11 Happy New Year! 31 ms 3800 KB
126584736 Aug/21/2021 07:09 radinalimi 123 - The sum C++14 (GCC 6-32) Happy New Year! 31 ms 3700 KB
215292784 Jul/24/2023 06:01 kmiao 123 - The sum C++20 (GCC 11-64) Happy New Year! 15 ms 0 KB
230552167 Oct/30/2023 18:46 Mahir_ihsan 123 - The sum GNU C11 Happy New Year! 15 ms 0 KB
296889609 Dec/16/2024 21:30 Bahar_b88 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Happy New Year! 77 ms 100 KB
299594992 Jan/04/2025 16:47 kunnan9999 123 - The sum PyPy 3-64 Happy New Year! 93 ms 0 KB
41111904 Aug/02/2018 10:11 towhidcse 123 - The sum Python 3 Happy New Year! 109 ms 300 KB
48052430 Jan/07/2019 13:02 Hetlo 123 - The sum GNU C++11 Happy New Year! 31 ms 0 KB
55083904 Jun/04/2019 14:50 bafyle 123 - The sum GNU C11 Happy New Year! 31 ms 0 KB
56427672 Jul/02/2019 13:27 LUHENGRIN 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Happy New Year! 31 ms 0 KB
58306731 Aug/04/2019 22:47 nica.zardouyan 123 - The sum MS C++ Happy New Year! 31 ms 0 KB
64615456 Nov/10/2019 07:34 NegarBahram 123 - The sum MS C++ 2017 Happy New Year! 31 ms 300 KB
64637841 Nov/10/2019 15:08 nia.azm 123 - The sum MS C++ 2017 Happy New Year! 31 ms 300 KB
73290396 Mar/15/2020 00:54 mahta78ghgh 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Happy New Year! 46 ms 0 KB
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