Problem 99999377 - The Lesson of Physical Culture
Contest status
# When Who Problem Lang Verdict Time Memory
39404710 Jun/19/2018 12:11 244mhq 377 - The Lesson of Physical Culture Python 3 Accepted 93 ms 0 KB
46632186 Dec/05/2018 07:04 ajira 377 - The Lesson of Physical Culture PyPy 2 Accepted 124 ms 0 KB
53257051 Apr/24/2019 20:17 SYury 377 - The Lesson of Physical Culture Python 3 Accepted 109 ms 0 KB
212626640 Jul/07/2023 18:27 HiBye 377 - The Lesson of Physical Culture Python 3 Accepted 46 ms 0 KB
191692331 Feb/02/2023 13:40 Dinanath94 377 - The Lesson of Physical Culture Java 11 Accepted 202 ms 0 KB
102268998 Dec/25/2020 01:55 xiaowuc1 377 - The Lesson of Physical Culture Java 8 Accepted 78 ms 3300 KB
42963071 Sep/16/2018 23:43 DarthBeleg 377 - The Lesson of Physical Culture Java 8 Accepted 124 ms 3100 KB
181422966 Nov/18/2022 16:59 bcollet 377 - The Lesson of Physical Culture PyPy 2 Accepted 108 ms 0 KB
39353388 Jun/18/2018 13:29 monsoon 377 - The Lesson of Physical Culture GNU C++ Accepted 30 ms 0 KB
37655908 Apr/27/2018 12:40 noxe 377 - The Lesson of Physical Culture GNU C++11 Accepted 31 ms 3700 KB
120993486 Jul/01/2021 07:50 107th 377 - The Lesson of Physical Culture Java 8 Accepted 108 ms 3700 KB
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