Hello Codeforces,↵
My name is Shahd. I am a bronze medalist in EOI (Egyptian Olympiad in Informatics) 3 times in a row, a silver medalist in the ACPC girls, 5th place in the AFPC in Jordan and 1st place in the IIOT onsite qualifications. ↵
I am a member of the Egyptian EGOI 2022 team. We have practiced very hard for this particular competition. [user:Bakry,2022-09-30] [user:Ahmadsm2005,2022-09-30] [user:AbdelmagedNour,2022-09-30] are training us for EGOI 2022.↵
Unfortunately, due to the high registration fees for non-European countries, we are unable to cover our costs. We attempted to contact some Egyptian tech companies but there are no updates until now.↵
We decided to create a [crowdfunding campaign](https://gogetfunding.com/help-the-egyptian-girls-team-fly-to-egoi-2022-2/) as we don't have any other option.↵
Please donate [here](https://gogetfunding.com/help-the-egyptian-girls-team-fly-to-egoi-2022-2/)↵
By sharing this blog or donating, you are helping the Egyptian team to represent their country in EGOI 2022. If you cannot donate, you can contribute by sharing this blog!↵
**Edit: There was a problem in the campaign but we have successfully fixed it, sorry for this mistake, you can now donate.** ↵
**Note that any previous donation was not received!**↵
Updates: **we weren't able to make it to EGOI :(. we are going to refund the donated money.**
My name is Shahd. I am a bronze medalist in EOI (Egyptian Olympiad in Informatics) 3 times in a row, a silver medalist in the ACPC girls, 5th place in the AFPC in Jordan and 1st place in the IIOT onsite qualifications. ↵
I am a member of the Egyptian EGOI 2022 team. We have practiced very hard for this particular competition. [user:Bakry,2022-09-30] [user:Ahmadsm2005,2022-09-30] [user:AbdelmagedNour,2022-09-30] are training us for EGOI 2022.↵
Unfortunately, due to the high registration fees for non-European countries, we are unable to cover our costs. We attempted to contact some Egyptian tech companies but there are no updates until now.↵
We decided to create a [crowdfunding campaign](https://gogetfunding.com/help-the-egyptian-girls-team-fly-to-egoi-2022-2/) as we don't have any other option.↵
Please donate [here](https://gogetfunding.com/help-the-egyptian-girls-team-fly-to-egoi-2022-2/)↵
By sharing this blog or donating, you are helping the Egyptian team to represent their country in EGOI 2022. If you cannot donate, you can contribute by sharing this blog!↵
**Edit: There was a problem in the campaign but we have successfully fixed it, sorry for this mistake, you can now donate.** ↵
**Note that any previous donation was not received!**↵
Updates: **we weren't able to make it to EGOI :(. we are going to refund the donated money.**