Hello, Codeforces ( ^_^)/↵
Warm and friendly greetings from **FooBar (Competitive Programming Club)**, [IIIT-Delhi](https://www.iiitd.ac.in/).↵
We have a variety of coding events hosted under our annual technical Fest — [Esya'23](http://esya.iiitd.edu.in/) and are glad to extend an invitation for your participation.↵
The details for the events are as follows:↵
- **ProTrio** [[Registration Link](https://unstop.com/p/protrio-esya23-indraprastha-institute-of-information-technology-iiit-delhi-728752)]:↵
- ICPC-style coding contest↵
- Eligibility: College Students | Team Size: 1-3 members (same college)↵
- Stages: preliminary (online) and final round (on-site)↵
- Prizes: worth ₹40,000↵
- **ProCon Junior** [[Registration Link](https://unstop.com/p/procon-jr-esya23-indraprastha-institute-of-information-technology-iiit-delhi-728495)]:↵
- IOI-style coding contest↵
- Eligibility: High School Students | Team Size: Individual↵
- Stages: preliminary (online) and final round (on-site)↵
- Prizes: Multiple [Bonus Points](https://iiitd.ac.in/admission/btech/2023/bonuspoints) for IIIT-D admissions (each point ≡ 1 percentile jump in the JEE Main Score)↵
- **ProSort Euler** [[Registration Link](https://unstop.com/hackathons/procon-euler-esya23-indraprastha-institute-of-information-technology-iiit-delhi-728754)]:↵
- Math-based coding contest↵
- Eligibility: Open to all | Team Size: 1-2 members↵
- Stages: one final round (online)↵
- Prizes: worth ₹25,000↵
**Important Dates:**↵
Registration deadlines:↵
- **ProTrio**: [18th August 2023, 23:59 IST](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=ProTrio+Registration&iso=20230818T235959&p1=54)↵
- **ProCon Junior**: [19th August 2023, 12:00 IST](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Procon+Jr+Registration&iso=20230819T12&p1=54)↵
- **ProSort Euler**: [23rd August 2023, 23:59 IST](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=ProSort+Euler&iso=20230823T235959&p1=54)↵
Contest timings:↵
- **ProTrio** ↵
- Preliminary round: [19th August 2023, 20:00 to 22:00 IST](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=ProTrio+Preliminary+Round&iso=20230819T20&p1=54&ah=2) (Online)↵
- Final round: [26th August 2023](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=ProTrio+Final+Round&iso=20230826T10&p1=54) (On-Site)↵
- **ProCon Junior**↵
- Preliminary round: [19th August 2023, 18:30 to 21:00 IST](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=ProCon+Jr&iso=20230819T1830&p1=54&ah=2&am=30) (Online)↵
- Final round: [25th August 2023](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=ProCon+Jr+Final&iso=20230825T10&p1=54) (On-Site)↵
- **ProSort Euler** Finals: will be conveyed via email (Online)↵
- Further details can be found [here](https://unstop.com/college-fests/esya23-indraprastha-institute-of-information-technology-iiit-delhi-142200).↵
- Contest links will be shared with your registered email IDs.↵
Problems in these events are collectively authored and tested by [user:kunalsrv20,2023-08-14], [user:Artemistic,2023-08-14], [user:shiv_codegen,2023-08-14], [user:deepcpp,2023-08-14], [user:BlackPanther112358,2023-08-14], [user:haajihaa2508,2023-08-14], [user:ojus_single,2023-08-14] and me.↵
Good luck, and hope you enjoy the contests! (。◕‿◕。)↵
- Preliminary rounds for ProTrio and ProCon Jr. will be held on [Codedrills](https://codedrills.io/). Contest links will be shared on the registered email addresses. Late registration requests will be difficult to deal with so please make sure you've registered on Unstop before the due date. ↵
- Registration deadline for ProCon Jr. has been extended to 19'th August 2023, 12:00pm IST.↵
- [ProTrio-Prelims-Contest-Link](https://codedrills.io/contests/protrio-preliminary-round) & [ProCon-Jr-Contest-Link](https://codedrills.io/contests/procon-jr-preliminary-round) both contests are public.↵
- Prize Distribution for the Preliminary round:↵
| Rank | Team Name | University | Prize Distribution |↵
| ----------- | ----------- | ------------ | ------------ |↵
| 1 | skillIssu | IIT Delhi | Rs. 2500/- |↵
| 2 | 728752-UC6313NG | IIIT Hyderabad | Rs. 1500/- |↵
| 3 | fightFight | IIIT Hyderabad | Rs. 1500/- |↵
| 4 | 728752-UZP479L8| IIT Delhi | Rs. 1000/- |↵
| 5 | 728752-URN708B7| IIT BHU | Rs. 1000/- |↵
- **Top 50** teams will be invited on-site for the final round.↵
- For the final round, the top 5 teams will receive cash prizes, and the next 5 teams will receive goodies.↵
- Details for accommodation arrangements will be conveyed via email. ↵
Warm and friendly greetings from **FooBar (Competitive Programming Club)**, [IIIT-Delhi](https://www.iiitd.ac.in/).↵
We have a variety of coding events hosted under our annual technical Fest — [Esya'23](http://esya.iiitd.edu.in/) and are glad to extend an invitation for your participation.↵
The details for the events are as follows:↵
- **ProTrio** [[Registration Link](https://unstop.com/p/protrio-esya23-indraprastha-institute-of-information-technology-iiit-delhi-728752)]:↵
- ICPC-style coding contest↵
- Eligibility: College Students | Team Size: 1-3 members (same college)↵
- Stages: preliminary (online) and final round (on-site)↵
- Prizes: worth ₹40,000↵
- **ProCon Junior** [[Registration Link](https://unstop.com/p/procon-jr-esya23-indraprastha-institute-of-information-technology-iiit-delhi-728495)]:↵
- IOI-style coding contest↵
- Eligibility: High School Students | Team Size: Individual↵
- Stages: preliminary (online) and final round (on-site)↵
- Prizes: Multiple [Bonus Points](https://iiitd.ac.in/admission/btech/2023/bonuspoints) for IIIT-D admissions (each point ≡ 1 percentile jump in the JEE Main Score)↵
- **ProSort Euler** [[Registration Link](https://unstop.com/hackathons/procon-euler-esya23-indraprastha-institute-of-information-technology-iiit-delhi-728754)]:↵
- Math-based coding contest↵
- Eligibility: Open to all | Team Size: 1-2 members↵
- Stages: one final round (online)↵
- Prizes: worth ₹25,000↵
**Important Dates:**↵
Registration deadlines:↵
- **ProTrio**: [18th August 2023, 23:59 IST](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=ProTrio+Registration&iso=20230818T235959&p1=54)↵
- **ProCon Junior**: [19th August 2023, 12:00 IST](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Procon+Jr+Registration&iso=20230819T12&p1=54)↵
- **ProSort Euler**: [23rd August 2023, 23:59 IST](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=ProSort+Euler&iso=20230823T235959&p1=54)↵
Contest timings:↵
- **ProTrio** ↵
- Preliminary round: [19th August 2023, 20:00 to 22:00 IST](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=ProTrio+Preliminary+Round&iso=20230819T20&p1=54&ah=2) (Online)↵
- Final round: [26th August 2023](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=ProTrio+Final+Round&iso=20230826T10&p1=54) (On-Site)↵
- **ProCon Junior**↵
- Preliminary round: [19th August 2023, 18:30 to 21:00 IST](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=ProCon+Jr&iso=20230819T1830&p1=54&ah=2&am=30) (Online)↵
- Final round: [25th August 2023](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=ProCon+Jr+Final&iso=20230825T10&p1=54) (On-Site)↵
- **ProSort Euler** Finals: will be conveyed via email (Online)↵
- Further details can be found [here](https://unstop.com/college-fests/esya23-indraprastha-institute-of-information-technology-iiit-delhi-142200).↵
- Contest links will be shared with your registered email IDs.↵
Problems in these events are collectively authored and tested by [user:kunalsrv20,2023-08-14], [user:Artemistic,2023-08-14], [user:shiv_codegen,2023-08-14], [user:deepcpp,2023-08-14], [user:BlackPanther112358,2023-08-14], [user:haajihaa2508,2023-08-14], [user:ojus_single,2023-08-14] and me.↵
Good luck, and hope you enjoy the contests! (。◕‿◕。)↵
- Preliminary rounds for ProTrio and ProCon Jr. will be held on [Codedrills](https://codedrills.io/). Contest links will be shared on the registered email addresses. Late registration requests will be difficult to deal with so please make sure you've registered on Unstop before the due date. ↵
- Prize Distribution for the Preliminary round:↵
| Rank | Team Name | University | Prize Distribution |↵
| ----------- | ----------- | ------------ | ------------ |↵
| 1 | skillIssu | IIT Delhi | Rs. 2500/- |↵
| 2 | 728752-UC6313NG | IIIT Hyderabad | Rs. 1500/- |↵
| 3 | fightFight | IIIT Hyderabad | Rs. 1500/- |↵
| 4 | 728752-UZP479L8| IIT Delhi | Rs. 1000/- |↵
| 5 | 728752-URN708B7| IIT BHU | Rs. 1000/- |↵
- **Top 50** teams will be invited on-site for the final round.↵
- For the final round, the top 5 teams will receive cash prizes, and the next 5 teams will receive goodies.↵
- Details for accommodation arrangements will be conveyed via email. ↵