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Problem C of ICPC Latin American regionals

Revision en1, by lightph, 2024-12-27 02:03:21

Hello! I've been trying to solve the problems from 2024-2025 ICPC Latin American Regional Programming Contest. I think I got the solution to problem C, 105505C - Cindy's Christmas Challenge. This is my latest solution 298605401. I'm getting WA on test 5 and I have no idea why.

What I basically did was figure out that to turn the substring [L,U] into R red balls, I need max(R, U-L+1)-min(R,r), where r is the amount of red balls in the substring. Now I split the interval into two, [L,I] to turn into R red balls and [I+1,U] to turn into B blue balls. Making two preffix arrays r and b to easily get the amount of blue and red balls, I have that I need N=max(R, I-L+1)+max(B,U-I)-min(R, r[I]-r[L-1])-min(B,b[U]-b[I]). There are only 9 possible different ways to combine the terms inside the maxes/mins (given that, for example, if R is bigger than the interval, then the amounts of red balls must also be smaller than R). I separated each of these 9 functions into a part that depends only on I, and one that only depends on R,B,L and U.

Now for each of the 9 functions that depend on I, I built sparse tables over the whole original array to make RMQs. Then for each query I calculate the corresponding constants that I have to add. Now, there are at most 4 points on which the whole function changes behaviour: when R=I-L+1, B=U-I, R = r[I]-r[L-1] and B=b[u]-b[I]. The first two are given, I found the last two with binary search. Now I take the intersection of these 5 intervals with [L,U], find which of the 9 functions applies there, and I do a RMQ on each subinterval to find the optimal splitting point and the minimum amount of moves needed.

The problem is, I get a wrong answer on test 5 and I don't know why. I've tried all corner cases I thought of and I can't find what's wrong. The editorial posted on the contest and the video editorial made by elsantodel90 both suggest the same approach I've taken.

Tags rmq, string distance, latin america regional


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en1 English lightph 2024-12-27 02:03:21 1920 Initial revision (published)