Rating changes for last rounds are temporarily rolled back. They will be returned soon. ×

Found another cheater!
Difference between en1 and en2, changed 99 character(s)
I wrote about him before. But I don't know why people started downvoting me. If you check his previous contests, he has zero submissions but a positive delta. Also, in his previous submission, he has submitted the same problem's solution in different languages. Someone told me his rating will be gone in a few days but it's still there and he cheated again in the last Div-4. If you go to his submissions for the last contest, you can clearly see he used AI. It's his CF handle: [user:md.reduanur,2025-02-10]↵

![ ](/predownloaded/3d/c0/3dc0bfce617c18d0c14230fcf01671398a3a991f.png)

UPD: Maybe this cheater's group started downvoting again. No problem, keep going, you cheaters.


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en4 English srijon_32 2025-02-17 04:10:29 2 Tiny change: 'heaters.\nUPD 2: T' -> 'heaters.\n\nUPD 2: T'
en3 English srijon_32 2025-02-17 04:10:09 160
en2 English srijon_32 2025-02-11 04:30:44 99
en1 English srijon_32 2025-02-10 20:33:23 606 Initial revision (published)