This article explores the concept of *virtual trees*, proves their key properties, describes an efficient algorithm for their construction, and then applies the method to solve a specific problem using dynamic programming (DP) on trees.↵
## Introduction↵
Many tree-related problems require working with a subset of vertices while preserving the tree structure induced by their pairwise lowest common ancestors (LCA). The concept of a *virtual tree* allows us to transition from the original tree $T$ with $N$ vertices to a substructure whose size linearly depends on the size of the selected set $X$. This significantly accelerates algorithms, particularly for DP computations.↵
## Definition of a Virtual Tree↵
Let $T$ be a given rooted tree, and $X$ be some subset of its vertices. A **virtual tree** $A(X)$ is defined as follows:↵
A(X) = \{ \operatorname{lca}(x,y) \mid x,y \in X \},↵
where $\operatorname{lca}(x,y)$ denotes the lowest common ancestor of vertices $x$ and $y$ in tree $T$. In this tree, an edge is drawn between each pair of vertices if one of them is an ancestor of the other in $T$.↵
This definition ensures that the structure includes all vertices "important" for analyzing $X$ (i.e., all LCAs for pairs of vertices from $X$), and connectivity is inherited from the original tree.↵
## Key Properties and Their Proofs↵
### Property 1: Size Estimation↵
**Statement.** ↵
For any set $X$ of vertices of tree $T$, the following inequality holds:↵
\vert A(X) \vert \le 2 \vert X \vert - 1.↵
**Proof.** ↵
Let's choose a depth-first search (DFS) traversal order and consider the vertices of set $X$ arranged in traversal order: ↵
x_1, x_2, \dots, x_m.↵
l = \operatorname{lca}(x_1, x_2).↵
We need to prove the following lemma.↵
> **Lemma 1.** For any integer $n \ge 3$, if $\operatorname{lca}(x_1,x_n) \neq l$, then↵
\operatorname{lca}(x_1,x_n) = \operatorname{lca}(x_2,x_n).↵
> **Proof (by contradiction).** ↵
> Suppose that for some $n \ge 3$, both $\operatorname{lca}(x_1,x_n) \neq l$ and $\operatorname{lca}(x_1,x_n) \neq \operatorname{lca}(x_2,x_n)$ are true. Let $k = \operatorname{lca}(x_1,x_n)$. ↵
> If $k$ is an ancestor of $l$, then by definition both $\operatorname{lca}(x_1,x_n)$ and $\operatorname{lca}(x_2,x_n)$ equal $k$, which contradicts our assumption. Therefore, $k$ must be a descendant of $l$. But then in the DFS order, we would get the sequence $x_1, x_n, x_2$, which contradicts our chosen traversal order. ↵
> This contradiction completes the proof of the lemma.↵
Returning to the proof of the property, we note that according to the lemma, each LCA arising from sequential consideration of the vertices in $X$ equals either:↵
1. the vertex $x_1$ itself,↵
2. $\operatorname{lca}(x_1,x_2)$, or↵
3. $\operatorname{lca}(x_2,x_n)$ for some $n$.↵
Thus, we can recursively write:↵
A(\{x_1,\dots,x_m\}) = A(\{x_2,\dots,x_m\}) \cup \{ x_1, \operatorname{lca}(x_1,x_2) \}.↵
From this, it follows that↵
\vert A(X) \vert \le \vert A(\{x_2,\dots,x_m\}) \vert + 2.↵
Applying induction on the size of set $X$, we obtain the final estimate:↵
\vert A(X) \vert \le 2 \vert X \vert - 1.↵
Moreover, if tree $T$ is a perfect binary tree and $X$ consists of its leaves, the inequality is achieved exactly.↵
### Property 2: Representation through Sequential LCAs↵
**Statement.** ↵
Let the vertices of $X$ be ordered by DFS traversal order: $x_1, x_2, \dots, x_m$. Then↵
A(X) = X \cup \{ \operatorname{lca}(x_i, x_{i+1}) \mid 1 \le i < m \}.↵
**Proof.** ↵
We start with the recursive representation:↵
A(\{x_1,\dots,x_m\}) = A(\{x_2,\dots,x_m\}) \cup \{ x_1, \operatorname{lca}(x_1,x_2) \}.↵
Let's expand it recursively:↵
A(\{x_1,\dots,x_m\}) &= A(\{x_2,\dots,x_m\}) \cup \{ x_1, \operatorname{lca}(x_1,x_2) \} \\↵
&= A(\{x_3,\dots,x_m\}) \cup \{ x_1, \operatorname{lca}(x_1,x_2), x_2, \operatorname{lca}(x_2,x_3) \} \\↵
&\quad \vdots \\↵
&= \{ x_1, \operatorname{lca}(x_1,x_2), x_2, \dots, x_{m-1}, \operatorname{lca}(x_{m-1},x_m), x_m \}.↵
Thus, we obtain the required representation.↵
## Construction of a Virtual Tree↵
Given a set of vertices $X$, the virtual tree $A(X)$ can be constructed in time↵
O\left(|X| (\log |X| + \log N)\right),↵
with preprocessing of the original tree $T$ in $O(N \log N)$ to ensure fast LCA queries.↵
**Main construction steps:**↵
1. **Preprocessing.** ↵
Using depth-first search (DFS) or methods such as binary lifting or HLD, we compute entry times for vertices and LCAs for any two vertices.↵
2. **Vertex Sorting.** ↵
We sort the vertices of set $X$ in the order of their appearance during DFS traversal (using entry times).↵
3. **Adding LCAs.** ↵
For consecutive vertices $x_i$ and $x_{i+1}$, we compute $\operatorname{lca}(x_i,x_{i+1})$. The union of $X$ and these LCAs gives the set of vertices $A(X)$ (according to Property 2).↵
4. **Tree Construction.** ↵
Having obtained the set of vertices $A(X)$ sorted by DFS order, we can traverse the sequence using a stack to restore the tree structure. During traversal, we maintain a stack whose top element is the current vertex, and if a new vertex is not a descendant of the vertex at the top of the stack, elements are "popped" until the corresponding ancestor is found, after which connecting occurs.↵
This algorithm guarantees that the virtual tree contains $O(|X|)$ vertices, allowing efficient application of DP.↵
## Application: Counting Subtrees in a Colored Tree↵
### [Problem]( Statement↵
Given a tree $T$ with $N$ vertices numbered from $1$ to $N$. Edge $i$ connects vertices $u[i]$ and $v[i]$. Each vertex $i$ is colored with color $A[i]$. ↵
It is necessary to find (modulo 998244353) the number of (non-empty) subsets $S$ of vertices of tree $T$ satisfying the condition:↵
- The induced graph $G[S]$ is a tree.↵
- All vertices of $G[S]$ with degree 1 have the same color.↵
### Main Solution Idea↵
The main idea is to break down the problem by colors. For each color $c$, we consider the set of vertices $X$ colored with $c$ and build a virtual tree for $X$. Then, on the resulting tree, we perform DP to count valid subtrees where all vertices with degree 1 have color $c$. The final answer is obtained by summing the results for all colors.↵
Thanks to the construction of the virtual tree, although the original tree contains $N$ vertices, each virtual tree for a specific color has size $O(|X|)$, which allows DP to be performed in an acceptable time.↵
We get that the total complexity of preprocessing and building virtual trees does not exceed $O(N \log N + \sum_{c \in C} (|X_c| (\log |X_c| + \log N)) = O(N \log N)$, where $C$ is the set of different vertex colors and $X_c$ is the set of vertices with color $c$.↵
### Solution Implementation↵
Below is the complete C++ code with comments describing the main components of the algorithm:↵
#include <bits/stdc++.h>↵
using namespace std;↵
const int MAXN = 2e5 + 10;↵
const int LOGN = 20;↵
const int MOD = 998244353;↵
vector<int> g[MAXN]; // Adjacency list of the given graph↵
vector<int> ver[MAXN]; // For each color c, ver[c] stores vertices with color c↵
vector<int> aux_g[MAXN]; // Adjacency list for the virtual tree↵
int col[MAXN]; // Color of each vertex↵
int tmr, n; // Global time counter and number of vertices↵
int up[LOGN][MAXN], dep[MAXN], tin[MAXN]; // For computing LCA and entry time↵
// DP arrays for dynamic programming on the virtual tree↵
int dp[MAXN][2], sum[MAXN];↵
// Preprocessing function: DFS to compute tin, up array, and dep↵
void dfs_precalc(int v, int p) {↵
tin[v] = ++tmr;↵
up[0][v] = p;↵
dep[v] = dep[p] + 1;↵
for (int i = 1; i < LOGN; ++i)↵
up[i][v] = up[i - 1][up[i - 1][v]];↵
for (auto to : g[v])↵
if (to != p)↵
dfs_precalc(to, v);↵
// Function to compute LCA using binary lifting↵
int getlca(int x, int y) {↵
if (dep[x] < dep[y]) swap(x, y);↵
for (int i = LOGN - 1; i >= 0; --i)↵
if (dep[up[i][x]] >= dep[y])↵
x = up[i][x];↵
if (x == y) return x;↵
for (int i = LOGN - 1; i >= 0; --i)↵
if (up[i][x] != up[i][y]) {↵
x = up[i][x];↵
y = up[i][y];↵
return up[0][x];↵
// DFS on the virtual tree to perform DP.↵
// Parameter c — target color for which counting is performed.↵
void dfs_calc(int v, int p, int c, int &ans) {↵
dp[v][0] = dp[v][1] = 0;↵
sum[v] = 0;↵
for(auto to : aux_g[v]) {↵
if(to == p) continue;↵
dfs_calc(to, v, c, ans);↵
// DP transitions: combining current state with result from subtree.↵
int nxt0 = (dp[v][0] + sum[to]) % MOD;↵
int nxt1 = ((dp[v][0] + dp[v][1]) * 1ll * sum[to] % MOD + dp[v][1]) % MOD;↵
dp[v][0] = nxt0;↵
dp[v][1] = nxt1;↵
sum[v] = (dp[v][0] + dp[v][1]) % MOD;↵
if(col[v] == c) {↵
// If the vertex has the target color, it can participate in a valid subtree.↵
sum[v] = (sum[v] + 1) % MOD;↵
ans = (ans + sum[v]) % MOD;↵
} else {↵
ans = (ans + dp[v][1]) % MOD;↵
// Function to build a virtual tree for color c and perform DP.↵
void calc_aux(int c, int &ans) {↵
auto p = ver[c];↵
if (p.empty()) return;↵
// Sort vertices by entry time (tin) — DFS traversal order.↵
sort(p.begin(), p.end(), [&](const int a, const int b) { return tin[a] < tin[b]; });↵
vector<int> verstk = {1}; // Initialize stack with the root of tree T (vertex 1).↵
auto add = [&](int u, int v) {↵
// Process each vertex from set p, maintaining a stack to build the virtual tree.↵
for (auto u : p) {↵
if (u == 1) continue;↵
int lca = getlca(u, verstk.back());↵
if (lca != verstk.back()) {↵
while (verstk.size() >= 2 && tin[lca] < tin[verstk[verstk.size() - 2]]) {↵
add(verstk.back(), verstk[verstk.size() - 2]);↵
if (verstk.size() >= 2 && tin[lca] != tin[verstk[verstk.size() - 2]]) {↵
add(verstk.back(), lca);↵
verstk.back() = lca;↵
} else {↵
add(verstk.back(), lca);↵
while (verstk.size() > 1) {↵
add(verstk.back(), verstk[verstk.size() - 2]);↵
// Perform DP on the virtual tree, starting from root 1.↵
return dfs_calc(1, 0, c, ans);↵
int main() {↵
cin >> n;↵
// Read colors and group vertices by color.↵
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {↵
cin >> col[i];↵
for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {↵
int u, v;↵
cin >> u >> v;↵
dfs_precalc(1, 0);↵
int ans = 0;↵
// Process the corresponding virtual tree for each possible color.↵
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)↵
calc_aux(i, ans);↵
cout << ans;↵
return 0;↵
### Implementation Explanation↵
- **Preprocessing.** ↵
The `dfs_precalc` function performs a depth-first traversal of tree $T$, computing entry time (`tin`), depth, and filling the binary lifting table `up` for fast LCA queries.↵
- **Computing LCA.** ↵
The `getlca` function implements binary lifting for quickly finding the lowest common ancestor of two vertices.↵
- **Building the Virtual Tree.** ↵
The `calc_aux` function takes a color $c$, extracts the set of vertices `ver[c]`, sorts it by `tin`, and uses a stack to build the virtual tree. For each pair of consecutive vertices, the LCA is computed, corresponding to Property 2.↵
- **Dynamic Programming.** ↵
The `dfs_calc` function traverses the virtual tree and combines the results from subtrees according to DP transitions. The DP states are calculated in such a way that the contribution of a vertex is accounted for if it has the target color, and only those subtrees where all leaves have the same color are counted.↵
- **Collecting the Result.** ↵
The `main` function reads the input data, performs preprocessing, and then sums up the results for each color, outputting the final answer modulo 998244353.↵
## Conclusion↵
In this article, we have examined in detail the concept of a virtual tree, proved its main properties, described an efficient construction algorithm, and demonstrated the application of this technique to solve a DP problem on trees. The advantage of this approach is that it reduces the problem to working with a substructure of size $O(|X|)$, which significantly accelerates computations even with a large size of the original tree.↵
The article is based on [editorial]( of Atcoder problem ABC340G by [user:Nyaan,2025-02-26].
## Introduction↵
Many tree-related problems require working with a subset of vertices while preserving the tree structure induced by their pairwise lowest common ancestors (LCA). The concept of a *virtual tree* allows us to transition from the original tree $T$ with $N$ vertices to a substructure whose size linearly depends on the size of the selected set $X$. This significantly accelerates algorithms, particularly for DP computations.↵
## Definition of a Virtual Tree↵
Let $T$ be a given rooted tree, and $X$ be some subset of its vertices. A **virtual tree** $A(X)$ is defined as follows:↵
A(X) = \{ \operatorname{lca}(x,y) \mid x,y \in X \},↵
where $\operatorname{lca}(x,y)$ denotes the lowest common ancestor of vertices $x$ and $y$ in tree $T$. In this tree, an edge is drawn between each pair of vertices if one of them is an ancestor of the other in $T$.↵
This definition ensures that the structure includes all vertices "important" for analyzing $X$ (i.e., all LCAs for pairs of vertices from $X$), and connectivity is inherited from the original tree.↵
## Key Properties and Their Proofs↵
### Property 1: Size Estimation↵
**Statement.** ↵
For any set $X$ of vertices of tree $T$, the following inequality holds:↵
\vert A(X) \vert \le 2 \vert X \vert - 1.↵
**Proof.** ↵
Let's choose a depth-first search (DFS) traversal order and consider the vertices of set $X$ arranged in traversal order: ↵
x_1, x_2, \dots, x_m.↵
l = \operatorname{lca}(x_1, x_2).↵
We need to prove the following lemma.↵
> **Lemma 1.** For any integer $n \ge 3$, if $\operatorname{lca}(x_1,x_n) \neq l$, then↵
\operatorname{lca}(x_1,x_n) = \operatorname{lca}(x_2,x_n).↵
> **Proof (by contradiction).** ↵
> Suppose that for some $n \ge 3$, both $\operatorname{lca}(x_1,x_n) \neq l$ and $\operatorname{lca}(x_1,x_n) \neq \operatorname{lca}(x_2,x_n)$ are true. Let $k = \operatorname{lca}(x_1,x_n)$. ↵
> If $k$ is an ancestor of $l$, then by definition both $\operatorname{lca}(x_1,x_n)$ and $\operatorname{lca}(x_2,x_n)$ equal $k$, which contradicts our assumption. Therefore, $k$ must be a descendant of $l$. But then in the DFS order, we would get the sequence $x_1, x_n, x_2$, which contradicts our chosen traversal order. ↵
> This contradiction completes the proof of the lemma.↵
Returning to the proof of the property, we note that according to the lemma, each LCA arising from sequential consideration of the vertices in $X$ equals either:↵
1. the vertex $x_1$ itself,↵
2. $\operatorname{lca}(x_1,x_2)$, or↵
3. $\operatorname{lca}(x_2,x_n)$ for some $n$.↵
Thus, we can recursively write:↵
A(\{x_1,\dots,x_m\}) = A(\{x_2,\dots,x_m\}) \cup \{ x_1, \operatorname{lca}(x_1,x_2) \}.↵
From this, it follows that↵
\vert A(X) \vert \le \vert A(\{x_2,\dots,x_m\}) \vert + 2.↵
Applying induction on the size of set $X$, we obtain the final estimate:↵
\vert A(X) \vert \le 2 \vert X \vert - 1.↵
Moreover, if tree $T$ is a perfect binary tree and $X$ consists of its leaves, the inequality is achieved exactly.↵
### Property 2: Representation through Sequential LCAs↵
**Statement.** ↵
Let the vertices of $X$ be ordered by DFS traversal order: $x_1, x_2, \dots, x_m$. Then↵
A(X) = X \cup \{ \operatorname{lca}(x_i, x_{i+1}) \mid 1 \le i < m \}.↵
**Proof.** ↵
We start with the recursive representation:↵
A(\{x_1,\dots,x_m\}) = A(\{x_2,\dots,x_m\}) \cup \{ x_1, \operatorname{lca}(x_1,x_2) \}.↵
Let's expand it recursively:↵
A(\{x_1,\dots,x_m\}) &= A(\{x_2,\dots,x_m\}) \cup \{ x_1, \operatorname{lca}(x_1,x_2) \} \\↵
&= A(\{x_3,\dots,x_m\}) \cup \{ x_1, \operatorname{lca}(x_1,x_2), x_2, \operatorname{lca}(x_2,x_3) \} \\↵
&\quad \vdots \\↵
&= \{ x_1, \operatorname{lca}(x_1,x_2), x_2, \dots, x_{m-1}, \operatorname{lca}(x_{m-1},x_m), x_m \}.↵
Thus, we obtain the required representation.↵
## Construction of a Virtual Tree↵
Given a set of vertices $X$, the virtual tree $A(X)$ can be constructed in time↵
O\left(|X| (\log |X| + \log N)\right),↵
with preprocessing of the original tree $T$ in $O(N \log N)$ to ensure fast LCA queries.↵
**Main construction steps:**↵
1. **Preprocessing.** ↵
Using depth-first search (DFS) or methods such as binary lifting or HLD, we compute entry times for vertices and LCAs for any two vertices.↵
2. **Vertex Sorting.** ↵
We sort the vertices of set $X$ in the order of their appearance during DFS traversal (using entry times).↵
3. **Adding LCAs.** ↵
For consecutive vertices $x_i$ and $x_{i+1}$, we compute $\operatorname{lca}(x_i,x_{i+1})$. The union of $X$ and these LCAs gives the set of vertices $A(X)$ (according to Property 2).↵
4. **Tree Construction.** ↵
Having obtained the set of vertices $A(X)$ sorted by DFS order, we can traverse the sequence using a stack to restore the tree structure. During traversal, we maintain a stack whose top element is the current vertex, and if a new vertex is not a descendant of the vertex at the top of the stack, elements are "popped" until the corresponding ancestor is found, after which connecting occurs.↵
This algorithm guarantees that the virtual tree contains $O(|X|)$ vertices, allowing efficient application of DP.↵
## Application: Counting Subtrees in a Colored Tree↵
### [Problem]( Statement↵
Given a tree $T$ with $N$ vertices numbered from $1$ to $N$. Edge $i$ connects vertices $u[i]$ and $v[i]$. Each vertex $i$ is colored with color $A[i]$. ↵
It is necessary to find (modulo 998244353) the number of (non-empty) subsets $S$ of vertices of tree $T$ satisfying the condition:↵
- The induced graph $G[S]$ is a tree.↵
- All vertices of $G[S]$ with degree 1 have the same color.↵
### Main Solution Idea↵
The main idea is to break down the problem by colors. For each color $c$, we consider the set of vertices $X$ colored with $c$ and build a virtual tree for $X$. Then, on the resulting tree, we perform DP to count valid subtrees where all vertices with degree 1 have color $c$. The final answer is obtained by summing the results for all colors.↵
Thanks to the construction of the virtual tree, although the original tree contains $N$ vertices, each virtual tree for a specific color has size $O(|X|)$, which allows DP to be performed in an acceptable time.↵
We get that the total complexity of preprocessing and building virtual trees does not exceed $O(N \log N + \sum_{c \in C} (|X_c| (\log |X_c| + \log N)) = O(N \log N)$, where $C$ is the set of different vertex colors and $X_c$ is the set of vertices with color $c$.↵
### Solution Implementation↵
Below is the complete C++ code with comments describing the main components of the algorithm:↵
#include <bits/stdc++.h>↵
using namespace std;↵
const int MAXN = 2e5 + 10;↵
const int LOGN = 20;↵
const int MOD = 998244353;↵
vector<int> g[MAXN]; // Adjacency list of the given graph↵
vector<int> ver[MAXN]; // For each color c, ver[c] stores vertices with color c↵
vector<int> aux_g[MAXN]; // Adjacency list for the virtual tree↵
int col[MAXN]; // Color of each vertex↵
int tmr, n; // Global time counter and number of vertices↵
int up[LOGN][MAXN], dep[MAXN], tin[MAXN]; // For computing LCA and entry time↵
// DP arrays for dynamic programming on the virtual tree↵
int dp[MAXN][2], sum[MAXN];↵
// Preprocessing function: DFS to compute tin, up array, and dep↵
void dfs_precalc(int v, int p) {↵
tin[v] = ++tmr;↵
up[0][v] = p;↵
dep[v] = dep[p] + 1;↵
for (int i = 1; i < LOGN; ++i)↵
up[i][v] = up[i - 1][up[i - 1][v]];↵
for (auto to : g[v])↵
if (to != p)↵
dfs_precalc(to, v);↵
// Function to compute LCA using binary lifting↵
int getlca(int x, int y) {↵
if (dep[x] < dep[y]) swap(x, y);↵
for (int i = LOGN - 1; i >= 0; --i)↵
if (dep[up[i][x]] >= dep[y])↵
x = up[i][x];↵
if (x == y) return x;↵
for (int i = LOGN - 1; i >= 0; --i)↵
if (up[i][x] != up[i][y]) {↵
x = up[i][x];↵
y = up[i][y];↵
return up[0][x];↵
// DFS on the virtual tree to perform DP.↵
// Parameter c — target color for which counting is performed.↵
void dfs_calc(int v, int p, int c, int &ans) {↵
dp[v][0] = dp[v][1] = 0;↵
sum[v] = 0;↵
for(auto to : aux_g[v]) {↵
if(to == p) continue;↵
dfs_calc(to, v, c, ans);↵
// DP transitions: combining current state with result from subtree.↵
int nxt0 = (dp[v][0] + sum[to]) % MOD;↵
int nxt1 = ((dp[v][0] + dp[v][1]) * 1ll * sum[to] % MOD + dp[v][1]) % MOD;↵
dp[v][0] = nxt0;↵
dp[v][1] = nxt1;↵
sum[v] = (dp[v][0] + dp[v][1]) % MOD;↵
if(col[v] == c) {↵
// If the vertex has the target color, it can participate in a valid subtree.↵
sum[v] = (sum[v] + 1) % MOD;↵
ans = (ans + sum[v]) % MOD;↵
} else {↵
ans = (ans + dp[v][1]) % MOD;↵
// Function to build a virtual tree for color c and perform DP.↵
void calc_aux(int c, int &ans) {↵
auto p = ver[c];↵
if (p.empty()) return;↵
// Sort vertices by entry time (tin) — DFS traversal order.↵
sort(p.begin(), p.end(), [&](const int a, const int b) { return tin[a] < tin[b]; });↵
vector<int> verstk = {1}; // Initialize stack with the root of tree T (vertex 1).↵
auto add = [&](int u, int v) {↵
// Process each vertex from set p, maintaining a stack to build the virtual tree.↵
for (auto u : p) {↵
if (u == 1) continue;↵
int lca = getlca(u, verstk.back());↵
if (lca != verstk.back()) {↵
while (verstk.size() >= 2 && tin[lca] < tin[verstk[verstk.size() - 2]]) {↵
add(verstk.back(), verstk[verstk.size() - 2]);↵
if (verstk.size() >= 2 && tin[lca] != tin[verstk[verstk.size() - 2]]) {↵
add(verstk.back(), lca);↵
verstk.back() = lca;↵
} else {↵
add(verstk.back(), lca);↵
while (verstk.size() > 1) {↵
add(verstk.back(), verstk[verstk.size() - 2]);↵
// Perform DP on the virtual tree, starting from root 1.↵
return dfs_calc(1, 0, c, ans);↵
int main() {↵
cin >> n;↵
// Read colors and group vertices by color.↵
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {↵
cin >> col[i];↵
for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {↵
int u, v;↵
cin >> u >> v;↵
dfs_precalc(1, 0);↵
int ans = 0;↵
// Process the corresponding virtual tree for each possible color.↵
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)↵
calc_aux(i, ans);↵
cout << ans;↵
return 0;↵
### Implementation Explanation↵
- **Preprocessing.** ↵
The `dfs_precalc` function performs a depth-first traversal of tree $T$, computing entry time (`tin`), depth, and filling the binary lifting table `up` for fast LCA queries.↵
- **Computing LCA.** ↵
The `getlca` function implements binary lifting for quickly finding the lowest common ancestor of two vertices.↵
- **Building the Virtual Tree.** ↵
The `calc_aux` function takes a color $c$, extracts the set of vertices `ver[c]`, sorts it by `tin`, and uses a stack to build the virtual tree. For each pair of consecutive vertices, the LCA is computed, corresponding to Property 2.↵
- **Dynamic Programming.** ↵
The `dfs_calc` function traverses the virtual tree and combines the results from subtrees according to DP transitions. The DP states are calculated in such a way that the contribution of a vertex is accounted for if it has the target color, and only those subtrees where all leaves have the same color are counted.↵
- **Collecting the Result.** ↵
The `main` function reads the input data, performs preprocessing, and then sums up the results for each color, outputting the final answer modulo 998244353.↵
## Conclusion↵
In this article, we have examined in detail the concept of a virtual tree, proved its main properties, described an efficient construction algorithm, and demonstrated the application of this technique to solve a DP problem on trees. The advantage of this approach is that it reduces the problem to working with a substructure of size $O(|X|)$, which significantly accelerates computations even with a large size of the original tree.↵
The article is based on [editorial]( of Atcoder problem ABC340G by [user:Nyaan,2025-02-26].