Hello CodeForces ,,↵
this [Problem in SPOJ (EDIST)](:http://www.spoj.com/problems/EDIST/)↵
I've Solve it Using Dynamic Programming "Recursion Method" but actually it gives me Runtime Error [in Java](http://ideone.com/Zply5q)↵
The Same Algorithm [Using C++](http://ideone.com/Lx4Ax9) syntax gives me Accepted ↵
Can You Please Explain How is That Happens?↵
and How to Avoid Such Problem if it Face me in Future ?
this [Problem in SPOJ (EDIST)](:http://www.spoj.com/problems/EDIST/)↵
I've Solve it Using Dynamic Programming "Recursion Method" but actually it gives me Runtime Error [in Java](http://ideone.com/Zply5q)↵
The Same Algorithm [Using C++](http://ideone.com/Lx4Ax9) syntax gives me Accepted ↵
Can You Please Explain How is That Happens?↵
and How to Avoid Such Problem if it Face me in Future ?