Greetings! CodeForces Round #336 welcomes both divisions this [Wednesday, December 23, 2015 at 16:35:00 UTC]( The round is authored by me, [user:Amor727,2015-12-22], [user:chilli,2015-12-22], and [user:GlebsHP,2015-12-22]. We hope you'll like the problems. Scoring and score distribution: **TO BE POSTED**↵
Much thanks to [user:Amor727,2015-12-22] and [user:chilli,2015-12-22] for writing and editing problems, [user:GlebsHP,2015-12-22] for organizing the competition and for his very helpful attitude, and [user:MikeMirzayanov,2015-12-22] for his amazing CF and Polygon platforms.↵
During this contest you will be assisting Genos from the series One Punch Man. His master Saitama will also make some appearances. We wish everyone good luck and high rating in assisting the two. From the contest crew and the two fellows below, happy holidays!↵
Much thanks to [user:Amor727,2015-12-22] and [user:chilli,2015-12-22] for writing and editing problems, [user:GlebsHP,2015-12-22] for organizing the competition and for his very helpful attitude, and [user:MikeMirzayanov,2015-12-22] for his amazing CF and Polygon platforms.↵
During this contest you will be assisting Genos from the series One Punch Man. His master Saitama will also make some appearances. We wish everyone good luck and high rating in assisting the two. From the contest crew and the two fellows below, happy holidays!↵