Hello everyone,↵
We invite you all to Humblefool Cup 2016, an ACM-ICPC style team contest under Aparoksha 2016, annual Tech Fest of IIIT Allahabad. It is a two-tier contest.↵
First round is an online qualifier round which is on coming Friday. Duration of qualifier round is 3 hours. Qualifier round starts on <b>11th March, 2016 21:00 IST</b>. Check you timezone <a href = "http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Humblefool+Cup+Qualifiers&iso=20160311T21&p1=2408&ah=3">here</a>.↵
Top teams from qualifier round will be invited for Finals to be held in IIIT Allahabad.↵
<b>Details of Qualifier Round</b>↵
Link to contest: <a href = "https://www.codechef.com/HFCQ2016">https://www.codechef.com/HFCQ2016</a>↵
Register at: <a href = "https://docs.google.com/a/iiita.ac.in/forms/d/1b5i7nWgRmlphWbqF8naK6mADHVOzqssSnD1Zwg--mNM/viewform">here</a>↵
RSVP: <a href = "https://www.facebook.com/events/1347117625314159">Facebook Event Page</a>↵
The problem-set is quite balanced and everyone will find something interesting to solve :)↵
Along with the fun of solving problems, there are prizes in cash amounting to INR 30000 to be won. Winning team will also receive the Humblefool Trophy.↵
Hello everyone,↵
We invite you all to Humblefool Cup 2016, an ACM-ICPC style team contest under Aparoksha 2016, annual Tech Fest of IIIT Allahabad. It is a two-tier contest.↵
First round is an online qualifier round which is on coming Friday. Duration of qualifier round is 3 hours. Qualifier round starts on <b>11th March, 2016 21:00 IST</b>. Check you timezone <a href = "http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Humblefool+Cup+Qualifiers&iso=20160311T21&p1=2408&ah=3">here</a>.↵
Top teams from qualifier round will be invited for Finals to be held in IIIT Allahabad.↵
<b>Details of Qualifier Round</b>↵
Link to contest: <a href = "https://www.codechef.com/HFCQ2016">https://www.codechef.com/HFCQ2016</a>↵
Register at: <a href = "https://docs.google.com/a/iiita.ac.in/forms/d/1b5i7nWgRmlphWbqF8naK6mADHVOzqssSnD1Zwg--mNM/viewform">here</a>↵
RSVP: <a href = "https://www.facebook.com/events/1347117625314159">Facebook Event Page</a>↵
The problem-set is quite balanced and everyone will find something interesting to solve :)↵
Along with the fun of solving problems, there are prizes in cash amounting to INR 30000 to be won. Winning team will also receive the Humblefool Trophy.↵