Number theory practice problems.
Difference between en23 and en24, changed 683 character(s)
Nothing is well understood unless we can apply it to solve some problems. Currently, I am learning number theory and there is no good classified list of problems for number theory. So, It is difficult to find some problem based on a specific topic.↵

Here I will maintain a list of problems of number theory in a few category. So, In near future, nobody have to face the same problem. Contribute interesting problems, people(mostly me :D ) will be grateful to you.↵

**1. Divisibility/Primes/Co-prime/GCD/LCM**  ↵
_Problems:_  ↵
1. **_LOJ_:** [1014](, [1035](  ↵
2. **_CF_:** [230B](, [711E](,↵
[585E](, [585C](, [222C](, [546D](, [GYM101212B](  ↵
3. **_SPOJ_:** [LCMSUMH](
4. **_E-OLYMP_:** [1146](, [1243](, [1147](, [1229](, [1244](, [1230](  

**2. Continued Fraction**  ↵
_Problems:_  ↵
1. **_UVA_:** [834](  ↵
2. **_HackerRank_:** [euler064](  ↵

**3. Diophantine Equations**  ↵
_Problems:_  ↵
1. **_LOJ_:** [1077](  ↵
2. **_CF_:** [7C](↵

**4. Functions: Counting Divisors/Divisor Sum**  ↵
_Problems:_  ↵
1. **_LOJ_:** [1054](  ↵
2. **_UVA_:** [13083](↵

**5. Function: Totient and Similar**  ↵
_Problems:_  ↵
1. **_LOJ_:** [1007](  ↵
2. **_SPOJ_:**  [NFACTOR]( , [NDIV](↵

**6. Modular Arithmetic/CRT**  ↵
_Problems:_  ↵
1. **_LOJ_:** [1067](  ↵
2. **_CF_:** [687B](, [GYM100825A](↵

**7. Discrete Logarithms**  ↵
_Problems:_  ↵
1. **_LOJ_:** [1325](↵

**8. Number Systems**  ↵
_Problems:_  ↵
1. **_LOJ_:** [1028](
2. **_E-OLYMP_:** [1001](, [1002](, [1008](, [1013](  ↵

**9. Primitive Root**  ↵
_Problems:_  ↵
1. **_E-OLYMP_:** [647](  

**NB:** This list is just created. And hopefully will grow with user contribution and as I learn. Thanks for being a part of it. :)↵

**Contributors:**  ↵
[user:_Asb_,2017-01-02], [user:Rudy69,2017-01-02], [user:Lucas_97,2017-01-04], [user:Sa1378,2017-01-06], [user:SuryanshT,2017-01-08], [user:MladenP,2017-01-08]
, [user:TooNewbie,2018-07-14]


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en24 English shakil.ahamed 2018-07-14 19:06:08 683 added some new problems
en23 English shakil.ahamed 2017-01-08 19:32:41 193
en22 English shakil.ahamed 2017-01-08 16:11:18 142
en21 English shakil.ahamed 2017-01-06 14:41:23 67
en20 English shakil.ahamed 2017-01-06 14:40:14 21 Tiny change: '-01-04], [submission:Sa1378]' -> '-01-04], [user:Sa1378]'
en19 English shakil.ahamed 2017-01-06 14:39:29 128
en18 English shakil.ahamed 2017-01-06 12:16:20 15 Tiny change: 'hmetic/CRT/Primitive Root** \n_Pro' -> 'hmetic/CRT** \n_Pro'
en17 English shakil.ahamed 2017-01-04 09:10:59 28 Tiny change: '017-01-02]' -> '017-01-02], [user:Lucas_97]'
en16 English shakil.ahamed 2017-01-04 09:10:04 60
en15 English shakil.ahamed 2017-01-04 01:30:54 10 Tiny change: 'Rank_:** [PE68](https://' -> 'Rank_:** [euler064](https://'
en14 English shakil.ahamed 2017-01-04 01:29:44 103
en13 English shakil.ahamed 2017-01-02 19:35:43 19 Tiny change: '2], [user:creepersteve7,2017-01-02]' -> '2], [user:Rudy69]'
en12 English shakil.ahamed 2017-01-02 14:20:23 56
en11 English shakil.ahamed 2017-01-02 14:04:55 192
en10 English shakil.ahamed 2017-01-02 13:55:28 24 Tiny change: 'ser:_Asb_][user:cree' -> 'ser:_Asb_], [user:cree'
en9 English shakil.ahamed 2017-01-02 13:54:56 57 Tiny change: ' of it. :)' -> ' of it. :)\n\n**Contributors:** \n[user:_Asb_][user:creepersteve7]'
en8 English shakil.ahamed 2017-01-02 13:49:13 1 Tiny change: 'CF_:** [68B](http://' -> 'CF_:** [687B](http://'
en7 English shakil.ahamed 2017-01-02 13:48:31 70
en6 English shakil.ahamed 2017-01-02 13:14:45 2 Tiny change: 'blem=1054)\n2. **_UV' -> 'blem=1054) \n2. **_UV'
en5 English shakil.ahamed 2017-01-02 13:13:59 75
en4 English shakil.ahamed 2017-01-02 09:45:15 2 Tiny change: 'blem=1077)\n2. **_CF' -> 'blem=1077) \n2. **_CF'
en3 English shakil.ahamed 2017-01-02 09:44:43 65
en2 English shakil.ahamed 2017-01-02 09:13:56 68
en1 English shakil.ahamed 2017-01-02 01:14:22 1728 Initial revision (published)