![ ](https://camo.algome.me/4d434fcf6221d49b9fbb6db0ba02d1846bd637f7/687474703a2f2f7777772e666f6375736461696c796e6577732e636f6d2f77702d636f6e74656e742f75706c6f6164732f323031362f31322f48617070792d4e65772d596561722d323031372e706e67)↵
Hello Codeforces!↵
You are invited to participate in a New Year's contest hosted on [DMOJ](https://dmoj.ca). The contest begins at [Jan 4, 2pm UTC](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=New%20Year%27s%202019&iso=2019-01-04T14:00:00), and will be open for a 36-hour period. The contest will have 8 problems written by [user:Eliden,2019-01-03] and myself, and you will be given 4 hours to solve them. For further details, please visit the [contest page](https://dmoj.ca/contest/year2019).↵
Happy new year, and good luck!
Hello Codeforces!↵
You are invited to participate in a New Year's contest hosted on [DMOJ](https://dmoj.ca). The contest begins at [Jan 4, 2pm UTC](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=New%20Year%27s%202019&iso=2019-01-04T14:00:00), and will be open for a 36-hour period. The contest will have 8 problems written by [user:Eliden,2019-01-03] and myself, and you will be given 4 hours to solve them. For further details, please visit the [contest page](https://dmoj.ca/contest/year2019).↵
Happy new year, and good luck!