I could not find any generic simple implementation of a segment tree in java so I implemented it myself. Sharing the code in case anyone else is looking for a similar implementation.↵
import java.util.Objects;↵
import java.util.function.BiFunction;↵
public class SegmentTree<T> {↵
private T[] a;↵
private T[] tree;↵
private BiFunction<T, T, T> function;↵
public SegmentTree(T a[], BiFunction<T, T, T> function) {↵
this.a = a;↵
int size = (1 << (int) Math.ceil((Math.log(a.length) / Math.log(2)) + 1));↵
tree = (T[])new Object[size];↵
this.function = (x1, x2) -> {↵
if (x1 == null) return x2;↵
if (x2 == null) return x1;↵
return function.apply(x1, x2);↵
build(1, 0, a.length - 1);↵
private T build(int root, int l, int r) {↵
if (l == r) {↵
return tree[root] = a[l];↵
} else {↵
T left = build(root * 2, l, (l + r) / 2);↵
T right = build(root * 2 + 1, ((l + r) / 2) + 1, r);↵
return tree[root] = function.apply(left, right);↵
public void update(int pos, T x) {↵
a[pos] = x;↵
update(pos, 1, 0, a.length - 1);↵
private T update(int pos, int root, int left, int right) {↵
if (pos < left || pos > right) {↵
return tree[root];↵
} else if (left == right) {↵
return tree[root] = a[pos];↵
} else {↵
int mid = (left + right) / 2;↵
T leftResult = update(pos, 2 * root, left, mid);↵
T rightResult = update(pos, 2 * root + 1, mid + 1, right);↵
tree[root] = function.apply(leftResult, rightResult);↵
return tree[root];↵
public T query(int l, int r) {↵
return query(1, 0, a.length - 1, l, r);↵
private T query(int root, int l, int r, int lq, int rq) {↵
if (rq < l || lq > r) return null;↵
if (l == r) return tree[root];↵
if (lq <= l && rq >= r ) return tree[root];↵
int mid = (l + r) / 2;↵
T leftResult = query(root * 2, l, mid, lq, rq);↵
T rightResult = query(root * 2 + 1, mid + 1, r, lq, rq);↵
return function.apply(leftResult, rightResult);↵
Using it is pretty simple. You just have to pass your own function.↵
SegmentTree<Integer> segmentTreeMin = new SegmentTree<>(input, Math::min);↵
SegmentTree<Integer> segmentTreeXor = new SegmentTree<>(input, (a1, a2) -> a1 ^ a2);↵
import java.util.Objects;↵
import java.util.function.BiFunction;↵
public class SegmentTree<T> {↵
private T[] a;↵
private T[] tree;↵
private BiFunction<T, T, T> function;↵
public SegmentTree(T a[], BiFunction<T, T, T> function) {↵
this.a = a;↵
int size = (1 << (int) Math.ceil((Math.log(a.length) / Math.log(2)) + 1));↵
tree = (T[])new Object[size];↵
this.function = (x1, x2) -> {↵
if (x1 == null) return x2;↵
if (x2 == null) return x1;↵
return function.apply(x1, x2);↵
build(1, 0, a.length - 1);↵
private T build(int root, int l, int r) {↵
if (l == r) {↵
return tree[root] = a[l];↵
} else {↵
T left = build(root * 2, l, (l + r) / 2);↵
T right = build(root * 2 + 1, ((l + r) / 2) + 1, r);↵
return tree[root] = function.apply(left, right);↵
public void update(int pos, T x) {↵
a[pos] = x;↵
update(pos, 1, 0, a.length - 1);↵
private T update(int pos, int root, int left, int right) {↵
if (pos < left || pos > right) {↵
return tree[root];↵
} else if (left == right) {↵
return tree[root] = a[pos];↵
} else {↵
int mid = (left + right) / 2;↵
T leftResult = update(pos, 2 * root, left, mid);↵
T rightResult = update(pos, 2 * root + 1, mid + 1, right);↵
tree[root] = function.apply(leftResult, rightResult);↵
return tree[root];↵
public T query(int l, int r) {↵
return query(1, 0, a.length - 1, l, r);↵
private T query(int root, int l, int r, int lq, int rq) {↵
if (rq < l || lq > r) return null;↵
if (l == r) return tree[root];↵
if (lq <= l && rq >= r ) return tree[root];↵
int mid = (l + r) / 2;↵
T leftResult = query(root * 2, l, mid, lq, rq);↵
T rightResult = query(root * 2 + 1, mid + 1, r, lq, rq);↵
return function.apply(leftResult, rightResult);↵
Using it is pretty simple. You just have to pass your own function.↵
SegmentTree<Integer> segmentTreeMin = new SegmentTree<>(input, Math::min);↵
SegmentTree<Integer> segmentTreeXor = new SegmentTree<>(input, (a1, a2) -> a1 ^ a2);↵