*(He last walked the Earth in round [538](https://codeforces.net/blog/entry/65033) btw.)*↵
Hello Codeforces!↵
We are here to invite you to Codeforces Round #554 (Div. 2), which will take place at [contest_time:1152].↵
The round will be rated for all Division 2 participants **(with rating less than 2100)**, yet any Division 1 participants are welcome to join us out of competition.↵
The round will be cat themed. Raise your paws and prepare your catnips!↵
*(Or even cat memes, while you're at it).*↵
You will be given **6+1** problems ( **6** problems, one of them has **2** subtasks ) to solve in **2 hours.** The round's problems were prepared by Xuan-Quang ~xuanquang1999,2019-04-23 D. Nguyen, Duy-Bach ~Akikaze,2019-04-23 Le, Stefan ~stefdasca,2019-04-23 Dascalescu, Quang-Minh ~MofK,2019-04-23 D. Nguyen and our dear Codeforces coordinator Dmitry ~_kun_,2019-04-23 Sayutin.↵
*Gladly (or sadly), no interactive problem tonight!*↵
Also, the tribute should be given to everyone within the team — we all make it possible:↵
- Andrew ~GreenGrape,2019-04-23 Rayskiy for various problem suggestions **and the infamous OMEGALULRIP influence.** ;)↵
- Xuan-Tung ~neko_nyaa,2019-04-23 Nguyen for testing the rounds and various suggestions in the core theme idea. Nya~.↵
Last but not least, I want to give a huge appreciation to ~MikeMirzayanov,2019-04-22 for the awesome Codeforces and Polygon platform, which makes this contest possible.↵
P/s: I will be at the [Discord CP Community](https://codeforces.net/blog/entry/52778) to discuss the problems after the coding phase. However, please follow the rules and don't discuss the problems during the contest by any means.↵
*Wish everyone good luck and high rating!*↵
P/s(2): Commies united!↵
P/s(3): A dear thank-you to Grigory ~gritukan,2019-04-23 Reznikov for the last-minute complete testing as well! ;)↵
**UPD1a:** Another comrade, Quang-Minh ~MofK,2019-04-23 D. Nguyen joined the fun! Kudos for the problem suggestion! ;)↵
**UPD1b:** The problemset contains **6+1** problems ( **6** problems, one of them has **2** subtasks ).↵
**UPD2:** Score distribution: **500-1000-1500-2000-2000-(2250+750)**.↵
**UPD3:** Editorial will be available tomorrow. Sorry for the waiting, we have quite a lot of things to polish. ;)↵
**UPD4:** The contest is finished. I hope that you're satisfied. And here come our winners ;)↵
**Official participants:**↵
1. [user:hamzzq,2019-04-24]↵
2. [user:davidHernandes,2019-04-24]↵
3. [user:oiyoayao,2019-04-24]↵
4. [user:It5t,2019-04-24]↵
5. [user:OnionGod,2019-04-24]↵
6. [user:IPL,2019-04-24]↵
7. [user:memset_inf,2019-04-24]↵
8. [user:dsgsjk,2019-04-24]↵
9. [user:FluffyT,2019-04-24] (the only official participants solved F1+F2, too bad he didn't solve E :<)↵
10. [user:_wxw_,2019-04-24]↵
**Div.1 + Div.2 participants:**↵
1. [user:dreamoon_love_AA,2019-04-24] (solved all problems!)↵
2. [user:pwild,2019-04-24]↵
3. [user:Heltion,2019-04-24]↵
4. [user:hamzzq,2019-04-24]↵
5. [user:natsugiri,2019-04-24]↵
6. [user:kmjp,2019-04-24]↵
7. [user:davidHernandes,2019-04-24]↵
7. [user:JeffreyHo,2019-04-24]↵
9. [user:betrue12,2019-04-24]↵
10. [user:KrK,2019-04-24]↵
**UPD5:** [Editorial blog post is available.](https://codeforces.net/blog/entry/edit/66696)
*(He last walked the Earth in round [538](https://codeforces.net/blog/entry/65033) btw.)*↵
Hello Codeforces!↵
We are here to invite you to Codeforces Round #554 (Div. 2), which will take place at [contest_time:1152].↵
The round will be rated for all Division 2 participants **(with rating less than 2100)**, yet any Division 1 participants are welcome to join us out of competition.↵
The round will be cat themed. Raise your paws and prepare your catnips!↵
*(Or even cat memes, while you're at it).*↵
You will be given **6+1** problems ( **6** problems, one of them has **2** subtasks ) to solve in **2 hours.** The round's problems were prepared by Xuan-Quang ~xuanquang1999,2019-04-23 D. Nguyen, Duy-Bach ~Akikaze,2019-04-23 Le, Stefan ~stefdasca,2019-04-23 Dascalescu, Quang-Minh ~MofK,2019-04-23 D. Nguyen and our dear Codeforces coordinator Dmitry ~_kun_,2019-04-23 Sayutin.↵
*Gladly (or sadly), no interactive problem tonight!*↵
Also, the tribute should be given to everyone within the team — we all make it possible:↵
- Andrew ~GreenGrape,2019-04-23 Rayskiy for various problem suggestions **and the infamous OMEGALULRIP influence.** ;)↵
- Xuan-Tung ~neko_nyaa,2019-04-23 Nguyen for testing the rounds and various suggestions in the core theme idea. Nya~.↵
Last but not least, I want to give a huge appreciation to ~MikeMirzayanov,2019-04-22 for the awesome Codeforces and Polygon platform, which makes this contest possible.↵
P/s: I will be at the [Discord CP Community](https://codeforces.net/blog/entry/52778) to discuss the problems after the coding phase. However, please follow the rules and don't discuss the problems during the contest by any means.↵
*Wish everyone good luck and high rating!*↵
P/s(2): Commies united!↵
P/s(3): A dear thank-you to Grigory ~gritukan,2019-04-23 Reznikov for the last-minute complete testing as well! ;)↵
**UPD1a:** Another comrade, Quang-Minh ~MofK,2019-04-23 D. Nguyen joined the fun! Kudos for the problem suggestion! ;)↵
**UPD1b:** The problemset contains **6+1** problems ( **6** problems, one of them has **2** subtasks ).↵
**UPD2:** Score distribution: **500-1000-1500-2000-2000-(2250+750)**.↵
**UPD3:** Editorial will be available tomorrow. Sorry for the waiting, we have quite a lot of things to polish. ;)↵
**UPD4:** The contest is finished. I hope that you're satisfied. And here come our winners ;)↵
**Official participants:**↵
1. [user:hamzzq,2019-04-24]↵
2. [user:davidHernandes,2019-04-24]↵
3. [user:oiyoayao,2019-04-24]↵
4. [user:It5t,2019-04-24]↵
5. [user:OnionGod,2019-04-24]↵
6. [user:IPL,2019-04-24]↵
7. [user:memset_inf,2019-04-24]↵
8. [user:dsgsjk,2019-04-24]↵
9. [user:FluffyT,2019-04-24] (the only official participants solved F1+F2, too bad he didn't solve E :<)↵
10. [user:_wxw_,2019-04-24]↵
**Div.1 + Div.2 participants:**↵
1. [user:dreamoon_love_AA,2019-04-24] (solved all problems!)↵
2. [user:pwild,2019-04-24]↵
3. [user:Heltion,2019-04-24]↵
4. [user:hamzzq,2019-04-24]↵
5. [user:natsugiri,2019-04-24]↵
6. [user:kmjp,2019-04-24]↵
7. [user:davidHernandes,2019-04-24]↵
7. [user:JeffreyHo,2019-04-24]↵
9. [user:betrue12,2019-04-24]↵
10. [user:KrK,2019-04-24]↵
**UPD5:** [Editorial blog post is available.](https://codeforces.net/blog/entry/