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Bad Test Case #15 of sgu-124?

Revision en1, by Georeth, 2020-03-05 15:24:37


I solve this problem by counting the number of intersections of the closed broken line and ray from (x0,y0+0.5) to left, but got WA on test case #15. Then I changed the ray from (x0, y0+0.5) to right, and got AC.

I performed a sanity check on the test data, and the test passed first 14 test cases but failed on #15: the closed broken line is without self-crossings and self-contacts, so every endpoints appears exactly twice in the broken line.

I hope the Codeforces maintainers verify the test data.


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en1 English Georeth 2020-03-05 15:24:37 611 Initial revision (published)