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how important is it to solve more easier problem ?

Revision en2, by Ashraf_OneSeven4, 2020-06-12 22:27:01

I have a realization . I want to change my offline practice approach . Correct me if im wrong , just want your kind opinion !

I grow a bad habit not to solve easier problem , which are needed just implementation or observation . i focus more on advance topic . if you stalk my profile u would see i solve prb related to dp,graph,segment tree etc . And most of the offline submission problems are range (1400-1700)

what bothering me is this i cant solve div2 a,b quickly and hardly solve div2 c during contest . though i can upsolve problems div 2 (A to D) as i keep learning advance topic . i thought regular participating contest would do the work for me ,so i keep solving harder prb (offline practice)

As a result my practice does not create any change in my ratings .

So im gonna practice parallel prb solving strategy . do one or two 2 hour self made contest , problems which are really easy and rest of the time solving slightly harder problems .

it would be beneficial ?? want to add something ?


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en2 English Ashraf_OneSeven4 2020-06-12 22:27:01 10 Tiny change: 'o D) as i learn advance t' -> 'o D) as i keep learning advance t'
en1 English Ashraf_OneSeven4 2020-06-12 22:25:15 1068 Initial revision (published)