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(Vanderbilt University) Finding ICPC Teammates

Revision en1, by we_ak_covid_19, 2021-01-03 17:03:54

Does anyone know any competitive programmers in Vanderbilt University? I am a junior engineering student from Vanderbilt. I tried hard to find someone who is also interested in ICPC, but I didn't really find any teammate after my original teammates retired. Currently, there are only 3 Vanderbilt retired users on codeforces.com. This is very disappointing. I thought Vanderbilt should have some other competitive programmers as other peer institutions did. If anyone know who is in Vanderbilt and have basic competitive programming knowledge(graph, dp, binary search, greedy), please contact me.Former contestants of NOIP, USACO .. e.t.c. is prefered Thanks! There will be reward for the recommendations!

Tags advertising, choose team, teammates


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en3 English we_ak_covid_19 2021-01-03 17:07:42 5 Tiny change: '.. e.t.c. is prefered.' -> '.. e.t.c. are prefered.'
en2 English we_ak_covid_19 2021-01-03 17:05:04 13 Tiny change: 's prefered Thanks! T' -> 's prefered. Thanks! T'
en1 English we_ak_covid_19 2021-01-03 17:03:54 757 Initial revision (published)