<br> </br>↵
<br> </br>↵
Hello coders!↵
PICT ACM Student Chapter brings to you the "SHORTEST CODE CHALLENGE", the first of its kind at PICT! <br>↵
This coding contest is free and open to all, so we urge each one of you to participate & compete! <br>↵
All you need is a knack for competitive coding and you are good to go! <br> </br>↵
<br> </br>↵
**NOTE: Only C++ is allowed**↵
<br> </br>↵
- Registration link: [Contest link](https://www.hackerrank.com/shortest-code-challenge)↵
- Day & Date: Friday, 19th March 2021<br> </br>↵
- Time: 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm IST<br> </br>↵
- World Clock: [Your timing](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Shortest+Code+Challenge&iso=20210319T21&p1=1038&ah=2)↵
- Platform: HackerRank<br> </br>↵
<spoiler summary="About contest and scoring">↵
- Scoring is based on the number of characters used in your solution.↵
- <strong>Spaces and newlines will be ignored</strong> while counting characters.↵
- You are required to code in <strong>C++ only</strong>.↵
- Your score is inversely proportional to the number of these characters.↵
We are looking forward to your participation!<br> </br>↵
- Thank you all for your participation <br> </br>↵
- Also, some nonoptimal codes passed for 2nd problem. It wasn't intentional, just they were very close to TL. Sorry for that.↵
<strong> Following are the best submissions from the contest (which can also be improved)</strong>↵
<spoiler summary="Mandatory primer (user: dario2994)">↵
#include <iostream> ↵
int main() {↵
int N, n = 1, d;↵
std::cin >> N;↵
while (N) {↵
d = 2;↵
while (n%d > 0) d++;↵
if (d == n) std::cout << n << " ", N--;↵
<spoiler summary="Substring habitat (user: davi_bart)">↵
#include <bits/stdc++.h>↵
using namespace std;↵
int x,y,h,r;↵
string a;↵
int main(){↵
<spoiler summary="Card Sequence(user: cjoa)">↵
#include <iostream>↵
using namespace std;↵
int N, l, r, a;↵
string S;↵
int main() {↵
cin >> N >> S;↵
for (char c : S) {↵
if (c != l)↵
r = 0;↵
a = max(a, ++r);↵
l = c;↵
cout << a;↵
<spoiler summary="Hugging Divisors (user : weryy0)">↵
#include <bits/stdc++.h>↵
long long x, g, q = 0, o = 0, u, t;↵
int f(long long x) {↵
for (t = 0; x; x /= 10) t |= 1 << x % 10;↵
return t;↵
int main() {↵
std::cin >> x;↵
g = sqrt(x), u = f(x);↵
for (; ++q <= g;) o += x % q ? 0 : ((f(q)&u) > 0) + (q * q < x ? (f(x / q)&u) > 0 : 0);↵
std::cout << o;↵
<spoiler summary="Palindrome Subtree (user: weryy0)">↵
#include <bits/stdc++.h>↵
using namespace std;↵
deque<int> l[100005];↵
int a, c[100005] = {0}, q = 1, x, y;↵
string t;↵
void d(int v, int p) {↵
c[v] = 1 << t[v - 1] - 97;↵
for (int h : l[v]) if (h - p) d(h, v), c[v] ^= c[h];↵
int main() {↵
cin >> a >> t;↵
for (; cin >> x >> y;) l[x].push_back(y), l[y].push_back(x);↵
d(1, 0);↵
for (; q <= a; ) cout << (__builtin_popcount(c[q++]) < 2);↵
<spoiler summary="Maze Crawler (user: weryy0)">↵
#include <bits/stdc++.h>↵
using namespace std;↵
int main() {↵
int a, b, q, X, Y, Z, T, o = -1, i, G[] = { -1, 0, 1, 0}, U[] = {0, 1, 0, -1}, C = 0, K = 1;↵
cin >> a >> b;↵
string m[a];↵
for (q = -1; ++q < a;) cin >> m[q];↵
cin >> X >> Y >> Z >> T;↵
Y--, T--;↵
for (deque<int> d = {X * b + Y}; d.size(); K--) {↵
if (!K) K = d.size(), C++;↵
int x = d[0] / b, y = d[0] % b; d.pop_front();↵
o = x == Z & y == T ? C : o;↵
for (i = -1; ++i < 4;) {↵
X = x + G[i], Y = y + U[i];↵
if (0 < X & X <= a & 0 <= Y & Y < b & m[X - 1][Y] == 46)↵
m[X - 1][Y] = 47, d.push_back(X * b + Y);↵
cout << o;↵
<br> </br>↵
<br> </br>↵
Hello coders!↵
PICT ACM Student Chapter brings to you the "SHORTEST CODE CHALLENGE", the first of its kind at PICT! <br>↵
This coding contest is free and open to all, so we urge each one of you to participate & compete! <br>↵
All you need is a knack for competitive coding and you are good to go! <br> </br>↵
<br> </br>↵
**NOTE: Only C++ is allowed**↵
<br> </br>↵
- Registration link: [Contest link](https://www.hackerrank.com/shortest-code-challenge)↵
- Day & Date: Friday, 19th March 2021<br> </br>↵
- Time: 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm IST<br> </br>↵
- World Clock: [Your timing](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Shortest+Code+Challenge&iso=20210319T21&p1=1038&ah=2)↵
- Platform: HackerRank<br> </br>↵
<spoiler summary="About contest and scoring">↵
- Scoring is based on the number of characters used in your solution.↵
- <strong>Spaces and newlines will be ignored</strong> while counting characters.↵
- You are required to code in <strong>C++ only</strong>.↵
- Your score is inversely proportional to the number of these characters.↵
We are looking forward to your participation!<br> </br>↵
- Thank you all for your participation <br> </br>↵
- Also, some nonoptimal codes passed for 2nd problem. It wasn't intentional, just they were very close to TL. Sorry for that.↵
<strong> Following are the best submissions from the contest (which can also be improved)</strong>↵
<spoiler summary="Mandatory primer (user: dario2994)">↵
#include <iostream> ↵
int main() {↵
int N, n = 1, d;↵
std::cin >> N;↵
while (N) {↵
d = 2;↵
while (n%d > 0) d++;↵
if (d == n) std::cout << n << " ", N--;↵
<spoiler summary="Substring habitat (user: davi_bart)">↵
#include <bits/stdc++.h>↵
using namespace std;↵
int x,y,h,r;↵
string a;↵
int main(){↵
<spoiler summary="Card Sequence(user: cjoa)">↵
#include <iostream>↵
using namespace std;↵
int N, l, r, a;↵
string S;↵
int main() {↵
cin >> N >> S;↵
for (char c : S) {↵
if (c != l)↵
r = 0;↵
a = max(a, ++r);↵
l = c;↵
cout << a;↵
<spoiler summary="Hugging Divisors (user : weryy0)">↵
#include <bits/stdc++.h>↵
long long x, g, q = 0, o = 0, u, t;↵
int f(long long x) {↵
for (t = 0; x; x /= 10) t |= 1 << x % 10;↵
return t;↵
int main() {↵
std::cin >> x;↵
g = sqrt(x), u = f(x);↵
for (; ++q <= g;) o += x % q ? 0 : ((f(q)&u) > 0) + (q * q < x ? (f(x / q)&u) > 0 : 0);↵
std::cout << o;↵
<spoiler summary="Palindrome Subtree (user: weryy0)">↵
#include <bits/stdc++.h>↵
using namespace std;↵
deque<int> l[100005];↵
int a, c[100005] = {0}, q = 1, x, y;↵
string t;↵
void d(int v, int p) {↵
c[v] = 1 << t[v - 1] - 97;↵
for (int h : l[v]) if (h - p) d(h, v), c[v] ^= c[h];↵
int main() {↵
cin >> a >> t;↵
for (; cin >> x >> y;) l[x].push_back(y), l[y].push_back(x);↵
d(1, 0);↵
for (; q <= a; ) cout << (__builtin_popcount(c[q++]) < 2);↵
<spoiler summary="Maze Crawler (user: weryy0)">↵
#include <bits/stdc++.h>↵
using namespace std;↵
int main() {↵
int a, b, q, X, Y, Z, T, o = -1, i, G[] = { -1, 0, 1, 0}, U[] = {0, 1, 0, -1}, C = 0, K = 1;↵
cin >> a >> b;↵
string m[a];↵
for (q = -1; ++q < a;) cin >> m[q];↵
cin >> X >> Y >> Z >> T;↵
Y--, T--;↵
for (deque<int> d = {X * b + Y}; d.size(); K--) {↵
if (!K) K = d.size(), C++;↵
int x = d[0] / b, y = d[0] % b; d.pop_front();↵
o = x == Z & y == T ? C : o;↵
for (i = -1; ++i < 4;) {↵
X = x + G[i], Y = y + U[i];↵
if (0 < X & X <= a & 0 <= Y & Y < b & m[X - 1][Y] == 46)↵
m[X - 1][Y] = 47, d.push_back(X * b + Y);↵
cout << o;↵