Returns a list of comments to the specified blog entry.
Parameter | Description |
blogEntryId (Required) | Id of the blog entry. It can be seen in blog entry URL. For example: /blog/entry/79 |
Return value: A list of Comment objects.
Returns blog entry.
Parameter | Description |
blogEntryId (Required) | Id of the blog entry. It can be seen in blog entry URL. For example: /blog/entry/79 |
Return value: Returns a BlogEntry object in full version.
Returns list of hacks in the specified contests. Full information about hacks is available only after some time after the contest end. During the contest user can see only own hacks.
Parameter | Description |
contestId (Required) | Id of the contest. It is not the round number. It can be seen in contest URL. For example: /contest/566/status |
asManager | Boolean. If set to true, the response will contain information available to contest managers. Otherwise, the response will contain only the information available to the participants. You must be a contest manager to use it. |
Return value: Returns a list of Hack objects.
Returns information about all available contests.
Parameter | Description |
gym | Boolean. If true — than gym contests are returned. Otherwide, regular contests are returned. |
groupCode | Group code (e.g., sfSJn5pz1a ) is used to filter contests. You need to log in with an account that has at least read access to the group. |
Return value: Returns a list of Contest objects. If this method is called not anonymously, then all available contests for a calling user will be returned too, including mashups and private gyms.
Returns rating changes after the contest.
Parameter | Description |
contestId (Required) | Id of the contest. It is not the round number. It can be seen in contest URL. For example: /contest/566/status |
Return value: Returns a list of RatingChange objects.
Returns the description of the contest and the requested part of the standings.
Parameter | Description |
contestId (Required) | Id of the contest. It is not the round number. It can be seen in contest URL. For example: /contest/566/status |
asManager | Boolean. If set to true, the response will contain information available to contest managers. Otherwise, the response will contain only the information available to the participants. You must be a contest manager to use it. |
from | 1-based index of the standings row to start the ranklist. |
count | Number of standing rows to return. |
handles | Semicolon-separated list of handles. No more than 10000 handles is accepted. |
room | If specified, than only participants from this room will be shown in the result. If not — all the participants will be shown. |
showUnofficial | If true than all participants (virtual, out of competition) are shown. Otherwise, only official contestants are shown. |
participantTypes | Comma-separated list of participant types without spaces. Possible values: CONTESTANT, PRACTICE, VIRTUAL, MANAGER, OUT_OF_COMPETITION. Only participants with the specified types will be displayed. |
Return value: Returns object with three fields: "contest", "problems" and "rows". Field "contest" contains a Contest object. Field "problems" contains a list of Problem objects. Field "rows" contains a list of RanklistRow objects.
Returns submissions for specified contest. Optionally can return submissions of specified user.
Parameter | Description |
contestId (Required) | Id of the contest. It is not the round number. It can be seen in contest URL. For example: /contest/566/status |
asManager | Boolean. If set to true, the response will contain information available to contest managers. Otherwise, the response will contain only the information available to the participants. You must be a contest manager to use it. |
handle | Codeforces user handle. |
from | 1-based index of the first submission to return. |
count | Number of returned submissions. |
Return value: Returns a list of Submission objects, sorted in decreasing order of submission id.
Returns all problems from problemset. Problems can be filtered by tags.
Parameter | Description |
tags | Semicilon-separated list of tags. |
problemsetName | Custom problemset's short name, like 'acmsguru' |
Return value: Returns two lists. List of Problem objects and list of ProblemStatistics objects.
Returns recent submissions.
Parameter | Description |
count (Required) | Number of submissions to return. Can be up to 1000. |
problemsetName | Custom problemset's short name, like 'acmsguru' |
Return value: Returns a list of Submission objects, sorted in decreasing order of submission id.
Returns recent actions.
Parameter | Description |
maxCount (Required) | Number of recent actions to return. Can be up to 100. |
Return value: Returns a list of RecentAction objects.
Returns a list of all user's blog entries.
Parameter | Description |
handle (Required) | Codeforces user handle. |
Return value: A list of BlogEntry objects in short form.
Returns authorized user's friends. Using this method requires authorization.
Parameter | Description |
onlyOnline | Boolean. If true — only online friends are returned. Otherwise, all friends are returned. |
Return value: Returns a list of strings — users' handles.
Returns information about one or several users.
Parameter | Description |
handles (Required) | Semicolon-separated list of handles. No more than 10000 handles is accepted. |
checkHistoricHandles | Boolean, the default value is true. If this flag is enabled, then use the history of handle changes when searching for a user. |
Return value: Returns a list of User objects for requested handles.
Returns the list users who have participated in at least one rated contest.
Parameter | Description |
activeOnly | Boolean. If true then only users, who participated in rated contest during the last month are returned. Otherwise, all users with at least one rated contest are returned. |
includeRetired | Boolean. If true, the method returns all rated users, otherwise the method returns only users, that were online at last month. |
contestId | Id of the contest. It is not the round number. It can be seen in contest URL. For example: /contest/566/status |
Return value: Returns a list of User objects, sorted in decreasing order of rating.
Returns rating history of the specified user.
Parameter | Description |
handle (Required) | Codeforces user handle. |
Return value: Returns a list of RatingChange objects for requested user.
Returns submissions of specified user.
Parameter | Description |
handle (Required) | Codeforces user handle. |
from | 1-based index of the first submission to return. |
count | Number of returned submissions. |
Return value: Returns a list of Submission objects, sorted in decreasing order of submission id.
Name |