ApaarGulati's blog

By ApaarGulati, history, 7 months ago, In English

Problem: 1927B - Following the String

My 1st approach:277732437 — Gave TLE on test 3

Read editorial, understood that their approach was similar but they did not store the alphabets, they only stored the count.

2nd submission after reading editorial:277733314 — Still gave TLE on test 3

Tried to submit the exact code given in the editorial(277733398) — Still gave TLE on test 3

Can someone please suggest a better way of solving it?(I went through a few submissions but they did the same thing and got AC so i was confused about what was wrong in my submissions)(Or some of the other submissions which were different, i could not exactly grasp what they were trying to do/what approach they followed)

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By ApaarGulati, history, 8 months ago, In English

hi. i give virtual contests on atcoder. but, like on codeforces, i can upsolve virtual contests later, i am not able to clearly see on atcoder which virtual contests i have given and which one i have not.

i need to click on each contest and check in result and in my submissions to see whether i participated virtually or not.

is there any way to see just the contests in which i have virtually participated. or do i need to open each contest and do the longer process of checking each one manually?

Also, is there a way to view the problem tags in atcoder?

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By ApaarGulati, history, 8 months ago, In English

Hi. i am a beginner in CP. i know only python. is there a way of solving 1994C - Hungry Games, without using dynamic programming? i tried to make subsegments and iterating through each one but i am getting TLE at test cases 5.

my submission:271274872

please suggest if there is any alternate approach this other than using dp.


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By ApaarGulati, history, 8 months ago, In English

Hi. i am new to CF. can someone please tell me, that if i participate in div 1 + div2 round, will question level be of div 1 only rounds or div 2 only rounds?

also, will rating changes(and standings also), be separate for div 2 and div1 contestants or just 1 common thing based on which everyone's rating will change?

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By ApaarGulati, history, 8 months ago, In English

HI. I am a beginner in CP. and know only python. While solving the given problem https://codeforces.net/contest/1992/problem/C i was able to write the given code 269990236. but i got a TLE on test 5. i looked at the tutorial and found that my way of thinking and the tutorial's approach were the same. But i am still not sure if the orders of the 'numbers in the middle' matters or not. can someone please look into my code and tell if what i am doing with 'the numbers in the middle' is ok?

link to tutorial: https://youtu.be/9Vv2ZukG1CM?t=2685

also, if his and my methods are the same, am i getting TLE just because of python? or is my method just longer than his is?

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By ApaarGulati, history, 8 months ago, In English

hi. i was solving 1742C - Stripes. my code was 269508031.it seems to be running fine on all test cases which i was testing manually but on CF, 1st test was fine but the 2nd test gave error on test case 10. Unfortunately, i am not able to find what the error was as the the test case is not visible.

Please suggest what i should do?? (i am a beginner and only know python)

edit: i have debugged the code multiple times, still cant find any errors

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By ApaarGulati, history, 8 months ago, In English

hi. i have written the following code for 1742C — Stripes 1742C - Полосы 269473494 it is running fine on Replit and other IDE's but CF shows Runtime Error(Exit Code is 1) i have tried debugging multiple times but there is no error. what should i do??

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