CarroT1212's blog

By CarroT1212, history, 11 months ago, In English

My last submission have been queueing for at least twenty minutes.

By the way, it seems like the judging system had crashed for a while at around 18:50 UTC+8. I took a capture at the fifth page of the status at that time.

There is a huge number of "In queue"s at the top but there are no "Running"s below. It returned to normal ten minutes after, and now it's queueing again.

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By CarroT1212, history, 21 month(s) ago, In English

They both have

This is hard version of the problem, it differs from the easy one only by constraints on $$$n$$$ and $$$k$$$.

But there's actually another difference which is the memory limit.

I submitted my G2 AC solution to G1 and got MLE when I was taking VP today. I admit that this was because I was careless and I didn't read the limits of the two problems carefully. But I also saw the "only" in the sentence so I didn't check that. Should this difference be written into it?

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