Thank you for joining the contest 😊.
Feel free to provide any feedback or constructive criticism in the comments (For the problem ideas, problem setting, problem statements, the editorial itself, etc..) as it will be useful for me to create contests in the future 🙂 (Also if you don't mind, don't forget to upvote the blog, I want to be a top contributor for once in my life 🥺).
Assalamualaikum (peace be upon you), Codeforces people 👋.
I'm glad to invite you to the mashup OMORI CONTEST which will be held inshallah on Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 19:30 (GMT+3).
You will be given 3.5 hours (210 minutes) to solve 7 cool problems in an ICPC-styled contest, themed about the videogame OMORI (Which is a great game that you might want to give a try). There will be exactly one interactive problem, so I suggest you should read the guide for interactive problems.
All problems have been written and prepared by me, Hexagons.
I would like to give a lot of thanks to:
MikeMirzayanov for the great codeforces and polygon systems 👍, without them I wouldn't be able to make the contest.
ismailfateen, 3mara, Mr.Pie, AhmedOsamaEzz, ahmedfouadnew, AbdelmagedNour for valuable testing and feedback, they made sure the problems were good enough and the test cases were strong 👏.
ismailfateen again, for helping me in preparing an interactor on polygon, without him there would be no interactive problem 😅.
OMOCAT, for creating OMORI ⭐.
yahia, for letting me play OMORI on his laptop 💚.
All my friends who supported me while making this contest 💓.
You for joining this contest 😊.
Good luck to all participants!
I Hope you enjoy the contest and have fun solving the problems 😊.
Update 1: Contest has been postponed to Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 19:30 (GMT+3).
Update 2: Registration has started!
Update 3: Editorial is out!
Update 4: Congratulations to the winners and first-solvers! 🥳 🥳
Honourable mentions: is-this-dp, line.
A. SUNNY: phsads
B. AUBREY: Anonymous_Noob
D. KEL: Adam.Aly
E. MARI: TAhmed33
F. BASIL: line
G. OMORI: ho-oh
Update 5: Contest has been added as a gym.
In case someone didn't notice yet, I am making a CF contest not a CF round, just a mashup/gym like other famous mashups you might have seen like Theforces / Mathforces / CPC stuff / .... etc.
I am making a contest with stories based around the videogame OMORI, I intend to make it a 7-problem ICPC-style contest, I have currently finished $$$4$$$ of them.
What do you think would be the best time duration for the contest?
What happened to sparky? he stopped blogging since mid-2022 I think, Is his account somehow shadow-banned or blocked from blogging? (he can still write comments)
Is it subjective on which is better, or is it something objective by codeforces?
Whenever I start counting the CF Tags I know one by one, Geometry Always comes almost the last, I think it is very unpopular on CF aswell.
Geometry problems, add more geometry problems
I have seen a lot of great adhoc ideas be used in several topics and tags, but geometry and some others occurred very rare, I think trying to take advantage of such uncommon ideas may help in getting ideas for problems.
I have noticed though that in the early years of codeforces some really good geometry problems were proposed, I think it will be cool to revive this era.
I am sure you already know the infamous Sparky_Master_WCH1226, he is the highest rated troll account, I am now asking for something related to that, is there a list of the top 10/100 troll accounts by rating?
Define a function $$$s(n)$$$ (where $$$n$$$ is an integer) which returns the successor of the integer $$$n$$$
Define another function $$$f(a,b,k)$$$ such that $$${a,b,k}$$$ belong to integers, $$$f(a,b,0)$$$ = $$$s(s(s(.....s(s(a))......)))$$$ (call function $$$f$$$ on $$$a$$$ for $$$b$$$ times), and $$$f(a,b,k)$$$ = $$$f(a,f(a,f(a,.......f(a,f(a,b,k-1),k-1),k-1),......),k-1)$$$ (call function f such that the second parameter b is this function nested b-1 times and the third parameter is k-1)
It can be shown that $$$f(a,b,0)$$$ = $$$a+b$$$, $$$f(a,b,1)$$$ = $$$a*b$$$, $$$f(a,b,2)$$$ = $$$a^b$$$, and $$$f(a,b,3)$$$ = $$$a↑↑b$$$ (Tetration symbol)
Any thoughts about this function and the best different complexities to calculate it in terms of $$$a,b,k$$$ in preprocessing and the call of this function?
You are given a hexagon in which all his angles are equal in measure, you draw a circle inscribed inside the hexagon and tangent to the hexagon's sides, and another circle which is the circumscribed circle of the hexagon (all the hexagon vertices lie on the circumference of this circle), suppose the side length of the hexagon is $$$X$$$, find the area of the ring between the two circles in terms of $$$X$$$.
The ring in yellow is the required ring
BONUS : Find a general solution in terms of $$$N$$$ and $$$X$$$ (where polygon $$$P$$$ is a regular $$$N$$$th-gon of side length $$$X$$$ each) for the area of the ring between the circle inscribed in $$$P$$$ and the circle $$$P$$$ is inscribed in