Ascended/Radiant Markoth is a really terrifying boss in hollow knight, and has caused grief to many players trying to beat him on radiant difficulty, so I wanted to share this blog so that it may reduce the suffering and ease defeating this boss
Tips to defeat Markoth on radiant mode :
1. Charm build :
Gubberfly's Elegy : really useful for attacking him while avoiding the dreamshield
QuickSlash : for improved hit rate
Mark of Pride : for improved range
Steady Body : to avoid recoil just in case
Fragile/Unbreakable Strength : for extra damage
2. Strategy/Tactics :
During nail barrage prioritize survival over dealing damage, but attack if possible to deal safe hits
Best opportunity to attack is when he is spinning his dreamshield
Try not to jump in the air too often as there is no ground to stand on, and you can fall off platforms easily
Try to tank much damage when he is spinning his sheild right before his second phase, to shorten its duration
Critically prioritize survivng during the nail barrage in the second phase
During his dreamsheild-spin attack in the second phase, wait until a radial gap appears between the orbits of both dreamshields, and attack from this gap
3. Prerequisites :
Would recommend doing path of pain first to get used to the ascended arena
Would recommend doing Xero (to get used to semi-floorless arenas too) and Soul Tyrant on radiant to get used to homing projectiles
Lmao, high-quality trolls like this make me want a dedicated section on CF for off-topic stuff
Silksong tutorial when
actual nice tutorial? :pog:
Can you make path of pain tutorial too ?