Random_Bulshit_Submit's blog

By Random_Bulshit_Submit, history, 8 months ago, In English

in codeforces judge it is (or at least it was) pretty common to get 999ms time on a problem with 1000ms time limit.

but I saw some submission getting 2500ms time on 2500ms a problem with 2500 time limit.

has the rules of codeforces changed so it doesn't consider it time limit exit or the judgement system of codeforces has changed so it can get 2500ms time and it couldn't before?

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By Random_Bulshit_Submit, history, 13 months ago, In English

Hello codeforces.

I wanted to have an hld problemset. there is no hld tags in cf.

so if you have an hld problemset or you know some hld problems I would be very thankful if you share them.

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By Random_Bulshit_Submit, history, 17 months ago, In English

I saw in the contest tab that on October 22 there are 4 contests I thought it was two div1 and div2 but I saw that there is a Div3 and the time off Div1, Div2, Div3 is the same!!!

so what is going to happen on that rounds? specialist and experts can register on Div2 newbies and pupils on Div3 and others on Div1? or specialists will be able to register on Div3 (because they are Div3!!!) and only experts can register on Div2?

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