Starswap's blog

By Starswap, history, 6 months ago, In English

I'm trying to collect some solutions to the problems from UKIEPC (UK and Ireland ICPC sub regional) that don't have any official solutions (for completeness and also training) and I've been thinking about UKIEPC21G "Getting Square". I've come up with an idea about how to approach it but it seems to be quite a lot of effort and I think surely there must be an easier way. It makes me think it might use a topic that I don't know about yet, so I was wondering if anyone has any ideas.

The thing that makes the problem quite tricky is the fact that there can be arbitrary holes in the mosaic (see sample 2)

I'd be glad to hear any thoughts. The problem is available from this set:

Thoughts so far

PS: On the general project to make data for the missing problems, so far I've made solutions and data for UKIEPC21E and UKIEPC22A (see: I plan to make the others soon : )

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By Starswap, history, 6 months ago, In English

Hi MikeMirzayanov

Sorry to bother you. I am having trouble importing my problem from Polygon into Codeforces Mashups. The mashup in question is 549770 and I'm able to import the example A + B problem, but when I try to import my own problem from I get Judgement Failed every time I try to submit to it, with the error Can't get problem for submission with id from repository. For example see submission 280973549. I see that someone else had a similar problem on Is there a general problem with Polygon or are we just doing it wrong?

Hopefully you can help,


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