Yesterday, I have participated in codeforces round 773.
Was able to solve the first three questions during the contest, but my B and C submission got TLE on System Cases, do you know why? Just because I have used unordered_map instead of map.
I think, this is practical example to examine the diff btw unordered_map and map.
The same code with the same logic gives TLE, when using UMAP but got accepted, when using MAP.
1642B - В чем сила, брат? Submission with UMAP: submission:147440230
1642C - Великая последовательность Submission with UMAP: submission:147426920
1642B - В чем сила, брат? Submission with MAP: submission:147497381
1642C - Великая последовательность Submission with MAP: submission:147497320
One of my codeforces friends also told me about this, with a very good resource attached, you can check it.
Any suggestions are welcomed!
It's always better to use simple Map instead of Umap i guess
No Unordered map is faster than normal map.(for safety use custom hash function)
I used unordered map with custom hash and got Ac.check my submission
So using custom hash reduces the the collision chances and the worst case happening probability even further ? From your implementation can it be used for only unsigned 32 or 64 bit int or can we make it even for strings ?
I highly recommend you to read this blog for more info
Before making a blog on codeforces try googling "$your_subject codeforces". In your case google "unordered_map codeforces" and you will find many blogs on the subject. In particular there is this one that explains what is going and how to hack unordered_map.