as a cper i feel like every tutorial is just author telling us what to do,instead of actually proving it like IMO answers.i sometimes struggle to guess because it seems to me that my guesses r wrong at most of the times.oh tough luck :(.but yea i believe most of u r better than me :).
so yea,as a person that doenst even know how and why they got the solution(div2 A and B speedsolvers especially) or what i usually call "proof by AC" person,i wanna ask u something.
how many hololive merch do i have at my home?
I don't think it's guessing; it's just a summary of the solution where the proof is left to the reader (at least I prove my approach before submitting, and I'm sure a lot of other people do too). What you call guessing just comes from experience, and it's probably better to call it intuition.
i dont think experience can help in problems like adhoc lol.its like guessing what the author theories whatsoever.
Probably not what you wanted to hear, but you can train for it. Pretty much how MO problems work.
The authors' brains are of finite size right? So if you know what they are often thinking (by doing more problems) you can get the hang of doing those problems quickly.
so ur saying we just need to remember every solution to every problem? alright sounds biology to me
This one got me XDBad memories of Chinese Junior 2
Well it's not totally memorizing the solution, you just get a idea of how you might think when seeing a particular of problem, ad-hoc or not. Seeing more problems means seeing new tricks which might be useful for new problems.