Hello, Codeforces!
Due to Educational round, olympiad will start at 10 april
The mirror will start tomorrow, 11 of april, at 16:35
Registration closed
Final results were published. Diplomas are out
At [contest_time:368205] will be held [contest:368205]. Everyone can participate in the mirror of the contest. If you are a student of 6th — 9th forms, then fill the form to participate officially.
Contest will follow the IOI rules (test groups, partial solutions). You will be given from 5 to 7 tasks for 3 hours. Standings will be shown after ending of the round.
Thanks kefaa for amazing coordination of the round.
Tasks are checked and tested by oleh1421, gepardo, kartel, xyz., Wind_Eagle, opPO, Vlad.cpp, sadfun, Irpacci, quinque, stasevich_darina, High_Faev, Xennon.
Also thanks MikeMirzayanov for Polygon and Codeforces!
Link for registration to mirror:
If you are studing in 6th — 9th grade, you can register to official round if you fill the form:
After approving you will see contest here:
Also there is a table, where you can see list of confirmed participants:
In the round you will have english statements.
Final results:
Good luck! I wish you succesfull solves!
As a tester, f--k you DrunkMaster
As a tester i ask you: can you teach me annealing method?
Ahah, I liked this one...
I will be happy, if you teach me dynamic grinding, opPO!
Okay, soon...
Someone said annealing method???
Is the round in english?
Can you please change the date registration opens so we can register now?
Unfortunately, I can't. There is no such setting here