Hello everybody, I have no idea to this problem, have you ?
Chess association decided to assign new phone numbers to all the members.
The new numbers should be produced with a knight's move on a phone keypad. 0 and 8 are not valid leading digits.
For instance, the number 340-49-27 matches the criteria.
7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3
Create a program that computes the number of different phone numbers with a length N.
1 ≤ N ≤ 56'789
It is standard problem with small N, which can be solved by dynamic programming.
I tried to solve it with Matrix Exponentiation (of size 10x10). But it also TL ( O(10 ^ 3 * logn * BigInt) ), because of the multiplying very big numbers.
there are exactly 2 available moves for each digit. So the answer is 8·2N - 1 = 2N + 2
Similar problem: 166E - Тетраэдр
wow) good solution. thanks.
upd. :(
Your solution is not right. Because, for 6 and 4 there are 3 moves, for 5 there is no move.
i don't think u need
here. these kind of problems with very large answers usually ask to output the answer modulo some number (mostly 10^9 + 7).I am sure , we need BigInt. Without BigInt Matrix exponentiation will pass.
You can simply use a dp like this:
For sample
Then you initialise
and the final result will be
Complexity: O(N * 10)
Why max? maybe sum ?
This dynamic programming didn't pass, Time Limit,
Because of the BigInt.
facha resurrected this post. I don't know if you solved it meanwhile, but I decided to give it a shot.
Since matrix exponentiation times out, I looked for patterns by writing a brute force for small N and check the number of paths for each valid starting number [1-9] \ {8}. There are 3 sets of numbers: {2}, {4, 6} and {1, 3, 7, 9}. Numbers in each set have the same number of valid paths.
There are obvious patterns. If N is even,
If N is odd,
So we can solve this problem in O(N) * O(BigInt addition). I wrote a simple python script that solves N=56789 in 0,4s in my computer.