Блог пользователя AdC_AB2

Автор AdC_AB2, 3 года назад, По-английски

Hola, coders!

On Monday, August 15 2022, at 17:05UTC+5.5, Programming Club IIT Madras will be hosting Summer Programming Camp 2022's final contest — SPC Final Contest and we would like to invite all of you for the same.

It will be a combined unrated round for all divisions. It is a team contest for the official participants — you can participate in a team of 2 or individually.

The contest consists of 15 problems [ICPC Style Scoring] to be solved in 150 minutes, in the format of a Speed Programming Contest. We believe the problems will be fun and exciting to solve for you guys :D

The contest is of Div.3 level but with challenging problems in the end. It will provide a good range of problems in terms of difficulty (from very easy problems to ones that can challenge experts), and every problem would be thrilling for the participants to solve.

The prizes for the participants:

  • Top 3 teams/individuals from IITM will receive exciting prizes.
  • Goodies for 3 random teams :)
  • Top teams & first solves from IITM and Codeforces will also be acknowledged on this blog.

Contest Link: Click Here

We’d like to credit,

We are also grateful to CFI, IIT Madras for overseeing the contest conduction and our beloved MikeMirzayanov for Polygon and CodeForces Platforms.

Last but not least, Thank You for participating in the round : )

The contest would be fun and exciting for all the participants.

Good luck, and see you in the standings!

Editorial: The editorial to most problems is out now, you can find it here.

Congratulations to all winners!

Top 5 Teams (All Participants):

Rank Competitors
1 Convex Chull : abhidot, JaySharma1048576, yash_daga
2 Pocket Aces : KDVinit, Kira_1234
3 idk lol : Codula, sumit_kk10, socho
4 IceKnight1093
5 respawn : dadboss, mexomerf

Top 8 Teams (Official Participants — Offline contestants from IIT Madras):

Rank Competitors
1 Pocket Aces : KDVinit, Kira_1234
2 EP OP : Haricharan_B, bananasaur
3 SA : SaiAryan, suneet27
4 Rashmika_and_Nazriya_Fans : Teja-Smart, mohithmvs
5 Why so serious?: explore729, vineeth_kada
6 dhruv_op: krishna122356, 084-076-069
7 TBD: RE_BIRTH, Harsha221B
8 ZugZwang : Omegaconstant, NishantS

First Solves (Official Participants):

Problem Team Time of Solve
A EP OP : Haricharan_B, bananasaur 00:00:42
B Pocket Aces : KDVinit, Kira_1234 00:01:17
C EP OP : Haricharan_B, bananasaur 00:03:09
D EP OP : Haricharan_B, bananasaur 00:07:34
E EP OP : Haricharan_B, bananasaur 00:05:32
F EP OP : Haricharan_B, bananasaur 00:08:39
G ZugZwang : Omegaconstant, NishantS 00:10:56
H Pocket Aces : KDVinit, Kira_1234 00:17:09
I EP OP : Haricharan_B, bananasaur 00:24:54
J Pocket Aces : KDVinit, Kira_1234 00:28:09
K Pocket Aces : KDVinit, Kira_1234 00:50:27
L Pocket Aces : KDVinit, Kira_1234 00:56:12
M Pocket Aces : KDVinit, Kira_1234 01:36:07
N Pocket Aces : KDVinit, Kira_1234 01:31:07
O Pocket Aces : KDVinit, Kira_1234 01:59:45

First Solves (All Participants):

Problem Team Time of Solve
A deepanshu55 00:00:40
B Pocket Aces : KDVinit, Kira_1234 00:01:17
C DB_Fanclub : kasparovian, DrearyJoke, Yomapeed 00:01:59
D ipluspus : Anupam_Ghosh, VS-Codes 00:05:28
E EP OP : Haricharan_B, bananasaur 00:05:32
F idk lol : Codula, sumit_kk10, socho 00:03:53
G ivanz 00:06:37
H idk lol : Codula, sumit_kk10, socho 00:15:50
I idk lol : Codula, sumit_kk10, socho
I DB_Fanclub : kasparovian, DrearyJoke, Yomapeed
J Hmmm : cliche_niche, recurecurring, satyam343 00:18:56
K Convex Chull : abhidot, JaySharma1048576, yash_daga 00:36:54
L IceKnight1093 00:11:57
M IceKnight1093 00:49:11
N Pocket Aces : KDVinit, Kira_1234
N Convex Chull : abhidot, JaySharma1048576, yash_daga
O Convex Chull : abhidot, JaySharma1048576, yash_daga 01:02:46
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3 года назад, # |
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Can you please allow teams of 3 for people outside IITM(teams not eligible for prizes).This way we can practice for the upcoming regional with our ICPC team.

3 года назад, # |
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3 года назад, # |
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Please include me in the weekend programming session group..I actually, stumbled upon your channel and started CP...Also, wish me luck!

3 года назад, # |
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Are teams from outside the IITM eligible to receive random goodies?

3 года назад, # |
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Did Problem N have any testcases with $$$N = 10^5$$$ and all $$$10^4$$$ distinct values of $$$h$$$? We think that our code which passed the testcases is actually $$$O(dN + NlogN)$$$ for $$$d$$$ distinct elements, so this probably shouldn't have passed, unless the constant is somehow super low.


  • »
    3 года назад, # ^ |
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    Hi socho, I think the case you pointed out was missed out. Our solution was $$$O(N + 10^4)$$$ per test case, we hadn't considered the possiblity of a $$$O(dN)$$$ solution.

    Thanks for pointing this out, we'll make stronger testcases in our future contests!

3 года назад, # |
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3 года назад, # |
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Hello all,

The winners & first solves for the SPC '22 Final Contest are out! Congratulations to all winners!

3 года назад, # |
Rev. 2   Проголосовать: нравится +10 Проголосовать: не нравится

To all participants,

Thank you for taking part in SPC '22 Final Contest! We hope you enjoyed it!

We'd love to hear your feedback about the contest. Kindly fill this feedback form.

Your feedback will be useful to us in evaluating the contest, improving on our shortcomings & delivering our strengths next time as well.

It is an anonymous feedback form, so feel free to share your thoughts :)