I Had A Problem solving the "lucky?" problem. And I Need just a little bit of help to solve it.
--> this is the link to the problem : https://codeforces.net/contest/1676/problem/A
--> and this is my source code :
using namespace std;
int main(){ string num; int testCases,sum1,sum2;
cin>>testCases; for(int k=0;k<=testCases-1;k++){ cin>>num; for(int i=0;i<=2;i++){ sum1=sum1+num[i]; }//end for i - first 3-digits - for(int j=3;j<=5;j++){ sum2=sum2+num[j]; }//end for j - Second 3-digits - if(sum1==sum2){ cout<<"YES\n"; }//end if - sum1==sum2 - else { cout<<"NO\n"; }//end else }//end for k-test cases- return 0;
}//end main
So If Anybody can help I Would be super appreciative.
Initialise sum1=sum2=0
As the constraints are very limited you can just compare the sum for first 3 to the last three as s[0]+ .. +s[2] to s[3]+ .. + s[5], and have your answer. :)
Just want to point out: Of course you are right, also with your approach you don't need to initialise
and probably I would've done the same in a contest. But I really like, that Motaz_Husain used a for loop! This is very good form in my opinion and especially useful for someone who is starting into CP.To help you helping yourself: find out about the debugging tools of your programming environment or use some temporary debug outputs. By inspecting
you would've found, that there are invalid values stored in them.Edit: Also please use the formating options CF provides.
can you tell me what is CF exactly ?
Codeforces. The platform you are posting on.
Keep it simple.
i think if u use % and / will be better for u
try it in paper it's easy idea
while (t--) {
str s; cin >> s;
if (((int)s[0] + (int)s[1] + (int)s[2]) == ((int)s[3] + (int)s[4] + (int)s[5]))