I am usually able to solve two or more questions in competitions, always achieving a score of around 4000. Now that I am green, I haven't even solved a single question in this competition. Is this a degradation of my abilities, or is it just a poor state, or is it due to psychological reasons. Obviously, I lost points. I am both confused and distressed about this. And if I have any problems, how can I improve in my future practice and competition? I hope all the experts can provide more guidance, even if they only give me a little advice. Thank you.
don't let it get to you, these things happen. instead of gett6 upset at losing rating just focus on the next contests and try to do well there.
I also, have doubted my abilities. So I haven't felt confident enough to give contests :_(
Honestly, contests where our performance tanks are the ones that teach us the most. I'd been consistently solving up to D2D across most contests, and almost failed to solve even D2B last round (barely making it in time), I've seen two dips of 150+ in the last 4 rounds. It feels bad, indeed, no two ways about it. But it is these contests, where you identify the shortcomings, and that rating loss stings so bad, you just can't forget, and rarely make the same mistake again.
bro how are you able to solve 4 question in contest even you did less no of question in practive in that range also give me suggestion by reviwing my profile
I've solved problems across various judges, AtCoder/CodeChef/TopCoder/CSES, etc.
I haven't practiced much on Codeforces after my initial days here, just been giving contests lately. Also, in addition to the "solve count", I guess there are other factors that affect performance as well. For example, I read most educational blogs, and also look at other contestants' solutions post-contest to build clarity.
What I've noticed is, while we may tend to write spaghetti code, which leads to difficulty implementing ideas, top coders generally write clear and concise code. Their submissions tend to be treasure troves in terms of providing clarity on optimally/concisely solving specific patterns.
There's nothing odd about your profile. You seem to have solved a fair number of problems in the range $$$[1200-300, 1200+300]$$$, and your rating seems to be stable around that point. What I've noticed is that most people with a rating of $$$R$$$, tend to solve about $$$500$$$ problems in the range $$$[R-300, R+300]$$$.
What I have noticed though, is that you're consistently solving $$$1-2$$$ problems in most rounds. I'd suggest up-solving the next problem if you don't already. That helps, a lot. You can also refer to this blog.
Edit 1: Profile review
I also feel like you and I think picture in my profile suit to us.
I want to put picture in my comment but I can't. How to put picture in my comment?
Click on the picture button, and add the link.
You may refer: https://codeforces.net/blog/entry/55986?#comment-397058
I have a comment for you about your submission of B. It was correct up to the moment when the case with all ones. In this case, you forgot that you've doubled the initial string already. If you devide the sss by 4 you will get the full solution.
Don't be stressed, make some work on errors, analyze your contest after to understand the weaknesses and work on them. If you watch at my rating you will see, that there is no raises withot falls.
P.S. Don't forget that problems A and B (up to 1000 score) are usually relatively easy so if you feel that they are overcomplicated, read the statment again, probably you are solving another problem)