I_love_Constructive's blog

By I_love_Constructive, history, 21 month(s) ago, In English

I'm working with the Retail Store Business Analytics team at AICOE JPL'23 this summer. My work revolves around improving Computational time by Learning both Weights and Connections for Efficient Neural Networks further that can be utilized in LSTM Architecture.

Today, we encountered a problem while trying to reduce the computational complexity of multiplying two matrices with a majority of zero elements. I brainstormed for 1-2 hours and came up with the idea of Sparse Matrix Multiplication solely based on intuition, despite not having prior knowledge of it.

This is how CP works improving problem-solving skills, allowing you to refine your logic and enhance your Development skill as well.

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21 month(s) ago, # |
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that reminds me of when i used suffix automaton && polynomial hashes at my job