Hello! When I struggle to find a correct solution for a problem, I like to learn from other users' code. But sometimes it's difficult to find a code easy and clear to understand!
I would like to know your opinions: which coder has a nice coding style? From whom do you learn the most?
Thank you!
Do not look at Egor's but rng_58's codes are easy to understand to me
I am sad panda
tourist cause he tries to avoid macros....
just because he try to avoid macros , Are you kidding me ?
since I have competed in CodeForces and TopCoder rounds, I have not realized what tourist writes ( this is not because of he writes codes bad :)) ). instead, the codes of rng_58 and Egor was very instructive for me.
Tourist's code is sometimes difficult to understand.
Maybe rng_58 's code is easier for us to understand.
Language also matters in this case, while Petr and Egor write codes in Java, tourist and rng_58 use C++. I use Java in my projects but I like to use C++ in CF. So I usually see the codes of tourist, some top performers of Div.2 and at last I compare my solution with code of my expert friends.
Just use the codes of div1 participants. They usually do many things simplier. Sometimes because of clear understanding what to do, sometimes because of language tricks. Try to figure it out, profit will come. If you want to look at div2A,B — find 1700-1800 participants, the aren't really div1, they know it, and soometimes writing div2 A,B) Sometimes codes looks really great (for example, I saw 2 bfs under single while(), it gives many features in comparison with 2 separated bfs).
I initially misunderstood this post as "who is your preferred problemsetter?"
I think that my coding style is quite good (Am I too arrogant?). Unfortunately, I am only a newbie and you can learn nothing from me. I can hardly read most masters' code as they use a lot of macro, and the variables are named casually.
i don't think so. look at codes of Petr and Egor. they are very clean and easy to read.
FYI, both of them code in Java (which doesn't support macros) and use IntelliJ IDEA IDE (which has awesome auto-completion, so typing long variable names can be done very fast).
also, i usually read only editorials and try to implement the solutions myself (without looking at others' codes). i suggest u do the same.
nice meme :D
I like the way hos.lyric codes.
YuukaKazami likes OOP and his code style is much like the Google style.
i like LinKin's style of coding
ha ha ha .... what about riad
Definitely YuukaKazami.I find his codes really easy to understand.
Besides Egor and Petr, I think flashmt writes really clean codes.
I also read flashmt codes.They are the best to refer to.
Until now I have only looked to Petr's Code and it was enough, he writes very clear code. I have learned a lot from him.
Bredor? Are you sure?
Goteriji 100%
tourist is incredible. For me one of the best in the world.
isn't it hard to write?
azizkhan, uwi
KrK is very clear for me
Bekmyrat.A and Allanur also NinjaCoder: That guys are really clear for me
I usually go for tourist's code, but if I am unable to understand or if he hasn't submitted a solution for a particular problem then I fall back to Petr's code. If both are not available, I just go and check out random users' codes!
What are you doing if random users's codes not available
How is that possible? SOMEONE would have solved that problem right?
IMPOSSIBLE says I'MPOSSIBLE so it's possible :))
I am specifically looking for Div 2 answers specially Div 2C, 2D, 2E. egor and petr are Div1 users, even though they write the best of the codes for starters like us its difficult, as we are looking for Div2 problems only. Please suggest
Div2CDE = div1ABC, so looking at div1 coders for those tasks is recommended.
i like Ashishgup's codes, very clear and easy to understand
Me too
Why -13 !!!. [user:Ashishgup's] actually write very neat and clean code.
I like to read codes of tmwilliamlin168 ,he codes very cleanly and it is easy to understand when I am stuck.
tfg's code is very op
I like Radewoosh codes and he also participates in many contests but he uses some Polish variables names like
Ashishgup and cerberus97. Both of them writes some serious neat code.
Yes, both Ashishgup and cerberus97 write extremely readable code, which often explain solutions better than the editorials. It reminds me of rajat1603's and a0666's code.
Of course Ashishgup
int32_t main()
To allow defining int to something else perhaps
damn that's smart :D
#define int long long
neal because his variable naming is self-explanatory and ecnerwala because he often comments his code.
amiratou is my favorite coder !
I like to read and Errichto and Um_nik's code. Their codes are really easy to understand.
I like AnandOza 's code as I use java. He uses meaningful variable names and code is easy to understand.
agural is my style icon. One can learn not only by understanding his code, but by understanding him. His essence is to stay on the offensive: to take risks, to recover very fast when you make a mistake, but to keep moving forward.
I am not afraid to say that everything I know, I learned from agural.
Bruteforceman is the man
KrK's, rng_58's, tourist's codes are good.
And I also recommend codes like dreamoon_love_AA's (Wow, long username) and other famous coders. Because sometimes you can find a different solution and that will be very helpful.
If you don't want to browse all the solutions, you can just see high-rating coder's codes.
Hope this isn't too late. :D
Most of tourist's codes are hard to understand
Deemo very good code. I learn Deemo code. 10/10 would recommend. One Deemo a day, keep the doctor away. Also good SaSa, very good 4A - Watermelon.
I like Petr, his code is very explanatory and all his variable names are proper to what they describe. His videos are also good to watch!