Hi, I am Konijntje, staff of solved.ac.
We will hold 2023 KSA Automata Summer Contest · Arena #4. The problems are prepared by Automata, algorithmic problem solving research group of Korea Science Academy of KAIST.
- Time: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20230818T1930&p1=235&ah=4&am=30 270 minutes
- No. of Problems: 10, 100 points each = 1000 points total
- The questions are sorted in order of difficulty expected by the jury.
- Statements are available in both English and Korean.
- Every problem has partial points.
- The scoreboard will freeze 60 minutes before the contest ends.
- There are bonus time/memory limits for some languages. Check here for details.
- Editorial will be posted after the contest ends.
Please refer to the following guide for registering in the Arena contest:
This contest is a solved.ac Arena contest. The following terms apply to an Arena contest.
- Your performance in the Arena will change your arena rating if you register on the solved.ac Arena page.
- Registrations are open until 5 minutes before the contest starts. You can cancel registration anytime before the contest begins.
- You can participate in the Arena without registering. In this case, your rating will not change.
- Please note that your rating will change even if you don't make a submission in the arena if you're registered.
Participants ranked 1st through 31st will receive a mobile voucher that can be used in Korea.
However, 8 special prizes with hidden conditions are prepared. Also, among the participants registered in the Arena, 3 randomly selected participants will receive a metal badge commemorating their participation in the Arena as a small souvenir. We deliver them internationally!
Participants get a solved.ac badge if they score 100 points or more, and a solved.ac background if they score 202.3 points or more.
Problems have been prepared by: flakepym, juneekim7, mickeyjung, and chha_aa07.
We would like to thank everyone that makes this contest possible:
- ai4youej, chromate00, cologne1723, deltarune, Eunha, KimDohoon, gs20036, jaime_spat, kiwiyou, leo020630, parkky, petamingks, shiftpsh, sl1slq96, utilforever, and yongwoods for testing the problems and making it much better.
- BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarkingDog, bennyk0406, jaime_spat, parkky, and utilforever for sponsoring our contest.
- Baekjoon Online Judge and solved.ac for great platforms.
We look forward to your participation. Thank you!
UPD: Editorial
As a tester,
As a tester, I did nothing do not give me upvote
Cool, thank you in particular for the time change!
What about Arena #3?
It was held today, but it was not announced on Codeforces (It did not have English statements)
Yay, now it is not at 6 o'clock in the morning!
Rules and prize information are posted here. Please scroll down for the English translation. Also, problems of our previous contest are available here.
Good luck!
Bad time, now it's at 3:30 in the morning. :(
Weird screencast
Nice problemset!
Thank you for the contest, it was fun!
How to upsolve? The problem pages return 404
Also, what were the hidden conditions for the special prizes?
You can see what was done in the winter iteration of the KSA Automata contest here to get a sense for what sorts of hidden conditions could be possible.
Other contests have done things like giving prizes for the maximum number of wrong attempts before AC, or having source code be as close as possible to some length, or having the AC time be as close as possible to some randomly chosen time in the contest window. (My guess is the intent of these is to basically serve as lottery prizes but have them be deterministic.)
The problems will be open to upsolve in about a few hours (unfortunately). Since BOJ was mainly a platform for local university contests -- which they can have contests with the same problems (open contests) at different times, so automatically opening problems may not be feasible for some conditions, and often has mistakes while preparing datasets, etc. -- the problems will be uploaded after they undergo a short review by the online judge staff.
Auto comment: topic has been updated by Konijntje (previous revision, new revision, compare).
Is it possible to do a virtual contest?
While there is no direct feature supporting virtual contests (no live standings), you can simulate past competitions by creating practice sessions in the Group menu. You can create a group here
You can freely select the problemset for practice. In your case, you can simply include the problems from the KSA Automata Contest. Additionally, you can set the start time, end time, freeze time, penalties, and more for the practice session.
Here's an example of creating a practice session for a Codeforces round using the Group feature:
I hope this helps! Also, please note that it might take some time for the problems to be uploaded after the contest is over (usually a few hours to a couple of days).
It's a matter of taste, obviously, but I find Baekjoon standings to be much nicer than Solved.ac standings. Probably because of the bright light green, on which it is hard to see white.
While writing this comment I found the switch to dark mode and it does look much better with it.
Obviously, I still like the cyan-ish colour scheme of Baekjoon more, but at least with dark mode it is readable.
Prize Announcement is here!!
Thank you to everyone who participated, and congratulations to the winners!
I attempted some questions in the 2023 KSA Automata Summer Contest available on the Codeforces gym, and now my submissions are locked for 11 months.
I believe this contest should have a duration of at most 1 week, as the editorial is also available here. I kindly request parkky to consider shortening the contest duration, as it is causing inconvenience for users who have already submitted their solutions to the contest.
*This is a bug, we did try to fix this, haven't found good progress so far. Plus, it was really not meant to be an open contest on the Gym if I am not mistaken.