Codeforces Round #243 Statistics
Codeforces Round 243 (Div. 1) and Codeforces Round 243 (Div. 2) round statistics :
Div. 1
First accepted:
A (00:04) RAVEman kawatea subscriber
B (00:14) Fdg
C (00:22) Endagorion
D (00:16) dasko1
E (00:31) ainta
Total hack attempts: +16:-32
Top-6 hackers:
250 AlexSkidanov +3:-1
200 VArtem +2:-0
200 cxlove +2:-0
200 enesoncu +2:-0
100 liympanda +1:-0
100 Krig +1:-0
Other info
Complete Results
Div. 2
First accepted:
A (00:02) BlackStar Eran FatalEagle Inspector Life_is_like_a_boat AllCatsAreBeautiful Miron95 SC_pRo_ION Sammax Tahlil altais .31 yevhenii44 bli0042 cheswick gaoxinlzz gotowork imhereonlyforcookies juver kefaa nsun48 omse1998 snacache sanchit_h shloub souvikkrm tonia videomontagnik
B (00:06) FatalEagle .31 jamespayor videomontagnik
C (00:13) PlayFast lugia_vs_ho_oh
D (01:10) BalloonphiliaR
E (01:18) videomontagnik
Total hack attempts: +60:-118
Top-5 hackers:
550 cup_of_tea +6:-1
500 barba +5:-0
300 logic_max +4:-2
250 lugia_vs_ho_oh +3:-1
250 abhra73 +3:-1
Other info
Complete Results
two minutes of A problem, that's really fast, how do you guys did that? Reading problem description would spend me about two minutes. Be polite to me :)
Just solve 50+ or 100+ extremely easy problems and you will get to solve div.2 A in less than five minutes in average ... I would suggest opening problem set of codeforces and sorting problems by number of members who solved it and solve the first 1 or 2 pages ... This would develop your speed enormously with easy problems.
While what TsunamiNoLetGo said should work, I don't see the point in training stuff you already know. You solved Div2-A in 9 minutes, the difference between that and 2 minutes is negligible in my opinion.
Focusing on trying to solve more problems is a better strategy than trying to solve the first two faster, at least until time becomes an issue (as you had 1h30 to solve C, I don't think that's the case). Sorting by number of members who solved it is a good idea, then pick the range of problems you take around 30 minutes to 1 hour to solve, and you should improve from there.