ilyas_ad's blog

By ilyas_ad, history, 17 months ago, translation, In English

In recent days I can't view problems page of some contests as well as View Problems tab on the top. Meanwhile most contests' view works fine. Also some parts of API also fail so that I can't use polygon-cli tool from Pavel Kunyavskiy(specifically it fails to download packages which is done by API and to find a problem by an id which is done by parsing the website).

The same troubles have my colleagues but I checked another old account and found that there are no such issues. I wonder if there are a lot of people who encounter the same problems as I do.

I have no idea how to deal with these problems. What makes things even worse is that I can't find any place to report a bug or ask for a support.

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17 months ago, # |
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Send me a message with: your login in Polygon, and the exact time, when the problem was.

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    17 months ago, # ^ |
      Vote: I like it +12 Vote: I do not like it

    Issue has been solved. Thank you for the quick response and fixes!