Hey Codeforces community!
I'm excited to share with you a project I've been working on that brings a new dimension to our coding journeys – Codeforces Insights! Its a humble attempt to tweak a few things on the pre-existing Codeforces Visualizer
What is Codeforces Insights?
Codeforces Insights is a web application designed to offer a deeper understanding of your Codeforces performance through interactive visualizations and advanced analytics. Whether you're a seasoned coder or just getting started, this tool aims to enhance your coding experience.
Key Features:
Rating Predictions: Visualize the trajectory of your Codeforces ratings using state-of-the-art forecasting models.
Submission Analysis: Explore the distribution of verdicts for your submissions and discover your preferred programming languages.
Problem Analysis: Gain insights into the distribution of problems solved based on difficulty levels and problem tags.
User Statistics: Highlighting key stats such as total problems tried, problems solved, accuracy, and more.
Blog Entries and Submissions Calendar: Stay updated with your latest blog entries and view a calendar heatmap showcasing your submission activity over time.
Live Website Link — https://cf-insights.onrender.com/ [Might take a while to start-up as its on a free hosting plan]
Explore Your Coding Journey Now!
I invite you to check out Codeforces Insights and explore your coding journey in a whole new light. Feel free to dive in, analyze your data, and share your feedback!
Let's code with insights!
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application.
apologies, looking into it.
now working, would you make an chrome extension of it and integrate it in the profile page?
that was the initial plan but i was having security issues for scripting so decided to make a seperate website, will definitely dig deeper into this to make the extension happen.
still internal server error
although there are some bugs, try checking it now, should work
yes it's working fine now. good work
To be honest, I think the rating prediction might be a little too optimistic. I kind of doubt I'm gonna get +359 delta within one contest.
Great tool! Although I hope the -200 delta prediction for my next contest is wrong, it's a really cool website :))
I think there is some kind of bug in the problem ratings graph. It shows that I have solved 400 problems of rating 2400, when in reality I have around 80:)))
Lol, the number of problems I've solved on the rating graph doesn't quite add correctly to the total number of problems. Great website though!
It will still be my predict blog who will hit waves in 3 years, nobody does it better than the original rating predictor
2377+467=2844 for just one contest? Are you serious?
Great Work!
Bug: Problem solved chart shows higher count than it actually is.
I think it's counting submissions instead of problems solved. Please fix that.
Suggestion: You can also show the accuracy in each problem rating, that would be a useful insight.