We invite you to participate in CodeChef’s Starters 121, this Wednesday, 14th February, rated for till 6-Stars (i.e. for users with rating < 2500).
Time: 8:00 PM — 10:00 PM IST
Joining us on the problem setting panel are:
- Setters: Manan mexomerf Grover, Jay JaySharma1048576 Sharma, Ronit bronit Bhatt, Anubhav rainb0ySimp Chakravarty, Ivan ezdp Lupov, Abd Abdelmohaymn Elmohaymn, wuhudsm wuhudsm, Yeamin _Kaizer_ Kaiser.
- Tester: Yash yash_daga Daga.
- Text Editorialist: Nishank IceKnight1093 Suresh.
- Statement Verifier: Nishank IceKnight1093 Suresh.
- Contest Admin: Jay JaySharma1048576 Sharma.
Written editorials will be available for all on discuss.codechef.com. Pro users can find the editorials directly on the problem pages after the contest. The video editorials of the problems will be available only to Pro users.
Also, if you have some original and engaging problem ideas, and you’re interested in them being used in CodeChef's contests, you can share them here.
Hope to see you participating.
Good Luck!
C++20 when
And Long, Lunchtime, and Cook-Off when
The long challenge was a lot of cheating and plagiarism. I would like them to separate the long challenge rating from the primary rating since the format is closer to that of topcoder marathons/atcoder heuristic contests.
Meanwhile, the lunchtime/cook-off format is similar to that of starters, and I prefer the current weekly schedule to the former monthly.
I agree with you about having a different rating system for long challenges, Even unrated works for me cause It helped me a lot when I was a beginner. I just don't want CodeChef to stop it completely.
About Cook-Off, Yes quality wise Starters are similar, But they can organise one Cook-Off or Lunchtime instead of having a Starters rated till 6-7 Star right? Even though I am not a 6 star. But what I think most of the 4 star participants when they are 5 star at Codechef they stop participating, Just how I feel.
About Lunchtime, I feel CodeChef platform had a unique feature, Like long ago when I use to participate, They had subtasks points for a problem, I don't remember the difficulty of this problem. But it helped me a lot like how to optimize your solution.
Hope they can continue they used to have.
We're expecting to have it in 2-3 weeks.
Is there any way to update the "About" Section in the CodeChef profile? I am unable to see such options.
is the rating change final or it may get change before the next round? actually prediction and actual changes are not matching and broke me :
As you've yourself mentioned, the 'live ratings' are just predictions. Some of the last second submissions might not be considered. After the contest, the 7-star participants are made 'unrated', etc. The 'final ratings' are calculated after these, and hence the difference of 2 that you see. Also, the ratings will once again be recalculated after removing cheaters from the ranklist.
Thanks for great and interesting problems in the division 3.
(As the winner lol)
Video Editorial for (Frequal) problem C
Audio : Hindi Youtube Tutorial Link