butterflies's blog

By butterflies, 9 months ago, In English

Hi all,

I’m wondering if people have spreadsheets that store some insights from competitive programming problems they solved (e.g. Codeforces, Atcoder). I would like these spreadsheets since I can use the insights from them to help build Starlight Problem Solving (https://starlightps.org), which allows people to see key insights for various competitive programming/math problems that can be applied in the future and see similar problems based on insights they want more practice on.

If so, please create an account on https://starlightps.org and you can submit the spreadsheets at this form (tell us your username on our website): https://forms.gle/PbgUqM7qapwKk3Jv7

Let me know if there is another way to get more insights to build this up. Leave them in the comments below.

POLL: Do you have a spreadsheet storing key insights from problems you solved? Are you willing to send it?

  • Yes I have a spreadsheet and am willing to send it
  • I have a spreadsheet but am not willing to send it
  • I don’t have a spreadsheet
  • I think there is a better way than these spreadsheets. (Leave it in the comments!)
  • Vote: I like it
  • +10
  • Vote: I do not like it

9 months ago, # |
  Vote: I like it +3 Vote: I do not like it

Bumping for more visibility. If you want to submit a spreadsheet, please do so here: https://forms.gle/PbgUqM7qapwKk3Jv7.