We will hold 【MX-X1】梦熊周赛 · 未来组 1 |「KDOI」Round 5(同步赛)(which is a synchronized contest on the newly emerging online judge MXOJ, and problems are provided by the group KDOI) on Luogu.
- Contest URL: https://www.luogu.com.cn/contest/179392
- Start Time: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20240707T1400&p1=237
- Duration: 270 minutes
- System: IOI
- Difficulty: Codeforces (Div. 1+2)
- Writer: sszcdjr, Otomachi_Una, Error_Yuan.
- Tester: sszcdjr, Otomachi_Una, Error_Yuan, _TernaryTree_, _istil, 275307894a, A_zjzj.
- Coordinator: hualian.
- Rated range: for all
- The point values: 100-100-100-100-100-100.
We are looking forward to your participation! If you cannot understand Chinese, ChatGPT may be helpful.
UPD: The original contest (on MXOJ) can be visited here.
UPD2: Contest is end! The English statements are here.
I'm trying to offer an English version of the statements :)
See https://codeforces.net/blog/entry/131261
We may post the English version of statements here or on the contest page in Luogu.
Unfortunately, according to the coordinators from MXOJ, we are not allowed to publish English statements during the contest.
We will post the English statement here after contest.
Link: Google Drive.
As a tester,I tested.
Duration: 450 minutes
But it will last for 4.5h......
Zenless Zone Zero time system.
Chinese are good at maths. After Champion Inequality, Down Inequivalence and Jumping Replacement are invented, now we invent the Luogu Equality: 4.5h=450min.
too hard to understand these symbols
Luogu has finally advanced towards the Codeforces community, Meow! One's so happy meow! One hopes everyone can support Luogu and let the information science competition develop without borders. Meow!