Codeforces Round 258 (Div. 2) round statistics :
First accepted:
A (00:01) curs5r ekzhang imhereonlyforcookies
B (00:06) T0RRES zban_win
C (00:14) FTDaddy
D (00:34) mr.Algorithm
E (00:58) ambition
Total hack attempts: +111:-164
Top-5 hackers:
400 rsFalse +4:-0
300 bogdan10bos +3:-0
300 cmziet881 +3:-0
300 vtcb +3:-0
300 haipz +3:-0
What great stats! The contest was very easy, right?
Lol, is it realy purposefully that one can't pass 1789 rank? Winner had 1671 rating and ended up with 1789 and guys form 2nd and 3rd place got 1500 rating and ended up with also 1789. There are also few guys more which got rating 1789 (and one which got 1790!).
You can use the contest ID instead of the No. of the contest. For example Codeforces Round #258 (Div. 2) is Contest 451Codeforces Round 258 (Div. 2)
And you can't, haha