StellarSpecter's blog

By StellarSpecter, history, 7 months ago, In English

I joined codeforces on 16th May and it's 16th August today, It has been 3 months and I have no progress. I am still 3 digit rated. After giving every contest I am still not improving.

Is it really not for me ? Am I really 69 IQ ?

I bet no one in this world would get as little progress as mine if they practiced this hard.

Also the number of cheaters have risen significantly, impacting newbies like me.

Even after rollback I got no positive delta, It's disheartening.

With that I believe I will have to quit codeforces forever.

Goodbye, may'24 — august'24 cp journey

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7 months ago, # |
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7 months ago, # |
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I am still newbie after almost 2 years....

7 months ago, # |
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Same issue here, but I slightly keep getting better the more I solve on my own, here's a tip if you want to increase your rating (for newbies) only join div 3 and div 4.

(PS why do you copy and paste answers to codes? maybe that's the issue you're not actually solving problems on your own)

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    7 months ago, # ^ |
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    what do you mean copy and paste

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      7 months ago, # ^ |
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      If you’re solving problems rated 1900, 3200, etc., there’s no way you should still be a newbie

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      7 months ago, # ^ |
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      noob_Hakur gave you the answer ¯_(ツ)_/¯

      but if you actually want to get good try exploring topics here are a few useful ones and a good place to start: Binary search, Prefix Sum, Two pointers.

7 months ago, # |
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least obvious troll

7 months ago, # |
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just get good

7 months ago, # |
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Are you really leaving?

7 months ago, # |
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You solved 60 tasks in 3 month. It is like 3 tasks in 2 days. ALso, only 25 of them have rating <=1500. In fact, I don't think that if you are solving one task per div, you can solve 1500+. To be honest, it is far away from hardcore practice. You should try to solve 800-1000 rating problems by yourself. And if you cannot, try to get hints from tutorial or try to understand tutorial

7 months ago, # |
Rev. 2   Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

just Practice Practice and Practice...

I found A2OJ Ladders very helpful..

I practice many questions from This List and now I can solve 1-3 Questions of Div 2

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    7 months ago, # ^ |
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    Yes A2OJ is an incredible website I just wish they could add a dark theme to it

7 months ago, # |
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bruh this person said they were leaving like 2 months ago here: and they never left.

hmm I wonder why totally not to farm negative contribution?

7 months ago, # |
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It took me 9 months to reach Pupil and here you are, giving up without giving yourself enough time. Lol.

7 months ago, # |
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You can stay 3 digit rated even after 100 contests and you can become a pupil in even less than 10. And it has nothing to do with iq.

Tbh no of contests doesn't really matter. You can see an ample of profiles here (particularly GMs, IGMs, LGMs, IMs etc) who became specialists/experts in their 1st contest itself.

Contests don't really grow you IMO. The only part of a contest that might contribute to your growth is upsolving. If you don't upsolve, giving it is a waste. The actual no of contests you have given are actually the ones you unsolved.

Apart from that most of your growth is attributed to the topics you learn after identifying your weak zones from a contest. For quicker growth and skipping this part, you might want to look for road maps of what things to learn at what levels. There are road maps for the same available till CM so you'll be occupied with them for a year atleast. Beyond that you are on your own.