Now a day's there is many cheaters out there. But one question: Why? Contests are about getting better at solving problems by giving you challenging new problems so why would you want to cheat? Just to be smug about it? And if so, why here? In a place where people solve problems. What good will it bring you. UPD: Not Minecraft. mc is gud. UPD: Just dont cheat, like at all
i am broken , so i don't need cheating
pls don't cheat in Minecraft or Codeforces it's just wrong to cheat in them
cheat in Valorant or Fortnite is fine in my opinion
more development needed for your mind
valo hater spotted
fortnite has burgers dont cheat in it
This blog is 1% info and 99% grammar mistakes.
and u have 0% chance to be saved
From what? Grammar books ?
no, from cheating... u solved two 3500 rated problems. and ur only a pupil
And what, dude? I solved it in archive, where there is explanation to the solution. That is not cheating since I used public information and I did get why the solution is correct.
please before making allegations, find out what is defined as “cheating” public information which was made to look at and use is not cheating, that’s why there are editorials.
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